Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003

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From: 		"RNamaste" <>
To: 		Governor Musgrove
Created: 	6/8/2000 10:39 AM
Subject: 	Caring & Sharing

Art imitates life is a familiar quotation; but I also believe Art inspires life.
Kramer vs. Kramer inspired empathetic understanding regarding divorce.
Shindler's List reminded us why we must never forget.
Where The Heart Is models divine mystery of healing piercing strife.

Television's Touched by an Angel and West Wing are remarkable shows.
They stimulate heightened perception of personal and bureaucratic relationships.
Sixty Minutes and Dateline are muckraking contemporary warriors.
Best of Us is my favorite exemplifying what good a solo sows.

I muse and wonder if my political leaders feel the same.
Are they impacted and inspired by divine miracles bestowed?
For I am so confused as a citizen of a great country why ills prolong?
Why is prejudice and poverty sanctioned - please explain.

I intuitively know that no white male would trade places with a minority.
And no rich or famous person would want to be poor.
If their child were threatened, immediate action would result.
Yet politicians continue to class divide the impoverished majority.

Our country's Constitution had the essence of greatness and love.
Then it fell short when discrimination was sanctioned.
Prejudice towards women, blacks, minorities was validated.
Hypocrisy was perpetuated saying America acted under God above.

America is still struggling with problems conceived at birth.
City, state, federal government continues to worship false idols.
Power, money, prejudice are elevated to divine status.
Hungry, homeless, minorities void of equality and mirth.

Empathetic solutions are visible and role modeled by others.
The Emperor With No Clothes is a classic revealing truth.
Treat poor, homosexuals, blacks, women, and all minorities as equals.
Love God and neighbor as self, each other as universal sisters/brothers.

(c) 5/2/200 Please Save/Care/Share:)

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