Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003

Governor Ronnie Musgrove
This series is comprised of correspondence from private citizens and groups to, and responses from, the governor’s office during the period of the Musgrove administration. It includes approximately 3700 computer files: email messages and attachments and Microsoft Office documents and spreadsheets. Frequent topics of discussion were the state flag, football, and Musgrove's monthly "One-on-One with the Governor" meetings, at which constituents were encouraged to bring their concerns directly to the governor.
The governor's office staff used GroupWise 5.5 for managing email, and the governor's web site included an address to which constituents could write and receive responses from the staff on behalf of the governor. The electronic portion of the series does not include correspondence composed by the governor himself. Some of the constituent emails from 2000 were lost prior to transfer to MDAH, which may explain the presence of orphaned file attachments.
The "other files" in this series include letters composed by the governor's staff in response to constituents, as well as mailing lists for batched responses. The governor's office acquired Intranet Quorum (IQ) constituent services software in 2001 to track messages coming into the office and to generate form-letter responses. The system was left in the governor's office for the Barbour administration, but "pre-IQ" constituent responses were transferred to MDAH with the electronic records and appear with the "other files."
These historical materials may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes. The Mississippi Department of Archives and History does not endorse the views expressed in such materials. Files containing medical histories, Social Security numbers, and contact information of children were not published to the MDAH web site in compliance with privacy regulations. Printed copies of most of the correspondence - email and letters - were filed with the paper records and may be accessed in the Winter Building archival reading room.