Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003

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From: 		Bo Sullivan <>
To: 		"".Net.GOV_MAIL
Created: 	1/8/2002 8:13 AM
Subject: 	Psalm 35:11

Psalm 35:11

Fierce witnesses rise up;
They ask me things that I do not know. 

Sounds like this poor man was dragged into court to be judged. Have you ever listened to a conversation about someone and all the evidence seemed to indicate their terrible guilt in a matter? Have you ever participated in a conversation like this? Many times we slant what we are saying in order to crucify a person's reputation. I know what it feels like to have every dart possible thrown at me from every conceivable angle simply to destroy me. It was a fierce display. When people get this kind of judgment set in their heart they will get fierce in their testimony against another person. This type of witness is not interested in constructive criticism, only destructive. 

Has anyone ever asked you questions that you did not know the answer to in order to make you look like a fool? 

May God have mercy on us all!

In The Master's Service,

Bo Sullivan

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- Attachment Filename: 	C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\Psalm 35_11\TEXT.htm

- Attachment Filename: 	C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\Psalm 35_11\Mime.822


