Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003
From: "kathleen johnson" <> To: Governor Musgrove Created: 11/1/2000 7:01 AM Subject: PRES._CLINTON_/_GORE_-_GASOLINE_$0.50_PER_GAL. Message: PRES. CLINTON / GORE - GASOLINE $0.50 PER GAL. "THE ONLY CHOICE" (1) PRESIDENT CLINTON / GORE HAVE A PLAN THAT WILL LOWER THE PRICE OF GASOLINE TO FIFTY CENTS PER GALLON QUICKLY AND GREATLY REDUCE POLLUTION. (2) THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WILL OFFER A FEE OF $300,000,000,000 (THREE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS) TO ANY ENTITY FOR A DEVICE TO REPLACE THE AUTOMOBILE (INTERNAL COMBUSTION) ENGINE. (2a) WHO WILL TAKE THE GREATEST MONEY PRIZE THAT WILL EVER BE OFFERED BY MANKIND? $300,000,000,000 ($300 BILLION) GUARANTEED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT (3) This device can emit no harmful pollution, cannot be driven by gasoline, nor any derivative of petroleum, and must not cost more than one cent per mile to operate. (4) A PLAN HAS BEEN CONCEIVED THAT WILL LOWER THE PRICE OF GASOLINE AND HEATING OIL TO LESS THAN SIXTY CENTS PER GALLON WORLD WIDE VERY QUICKLY, (ALSO MANY OTHER BENEFITS, EXPLAINED BELOW). 5. IT WILL QUICKLY BRING FORTH A CLEAN ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCE TO POWER OUR AUTOMOBILES AND GENERATE ELECTRICITY. COMPLETELY ELIMINATING POLLUTION FROM AUTOMOBILE AND POWER GENERATING EQUIPMENT, WORLD WIDE, WHICH ACCOUNTS FOR 80% OF TOTAL WORLD POLLUTION. 6. PRESIDENT CLINTON (OR THE NEXT PRESIDENT) HAS FULL AUTHORITY (BY EXECUTIVE ORDER) TO ACTIVATE THIS PLAN IMMEDIATELY IF HE WISHES. (RESEARCH "PRESIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE ORDER" ON THE NET). A VERY SIMPLE AND EFFICIENT WAY (7) THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT THAT THIS PROPOSAL WILL ACCOMPLISH EXACTLY WHAT IT HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO DO. (8) This plan is based on one simple action, the offer to purchase, by the American people, a device that will replace the petroleum (gasoline) driven internal combustion engine. This device can emit no harmful pollution, cannot be driven by gasoline, nor any derivative of petroleum, and must not cost more than one cent per mile to operate. MOTIVATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS DEVICE (9) BILL CLINTON, THROUGH A PRESIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE ORDER, FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, OFFER A FEE OF 300 BILLION DOLLARS (amount critical, explained below), FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN ALTERNATIVE ENGINE. THIS FEE IS PAYABLE TO ANY ENTITY. 10. The beauty of this plan is that it will totally solve many of our problems or it costs nothing (zero). There can be no logical criticism of a plan that if it does not work, it does not cost. 11. WE PAY NO FEES (NO RESEARCH, NO EXPERIMENTATION, NO DEVELOPMENT) WE PAY NOTHING EXCEPT THE PROMISED AMOUNT AND THAT ONLY AFTER THE DEVICE IS DEMONSTRATED TO THE PUBLIC AND TESTED IN THE PRESCRIBED MANNER. 12. When actualized this will cost nothing (zero) until after it has proved to everyone that it will remove a vast majority of the earth's pollution and usher in a golden age of very inexpensive clean energy. EXPLANATION: WHY GAS PRICES WILL DECREASE QUICKLY 12.A THE PRICE OF GASOLINE (a derivative of petroleum) IS CONTROLLED BY THE PRINCIPLE OF "SUPPLY AND DEMAND". IF THERE IS VERY LITTLE (SUPPLY) OF SOMETHING THE PRICE IS HIGH BECAUSE DEMAND IS GREATER THAN SUPPLY. (SUCH AS DIAMONDS) IF THERE IS VERY MUCH (SUPPLY) OF SOMETHING THE COST IS LOW (SUCH AS SAND) BECAUSE SUPPLY IS GREATER THAN DEMAND. THE OPEC (OIL PRODUCING EXPORT COUNTRIES) AND OUR DOMESTIC OIL PRODUCERS HAVE HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF BARRELS OF OIL IN THE GROUND THAT THEY ALL IN AGREEMENT (CONSPIRACY) PUMP OUT VERY SLOWLY (SMALL SUPPLY) TO KEEP THE (DEMAND) PRICE HIGH. 13. WHEN THIS DEVICE (ENGINE FOR YOUR AUTOMOBILE THAT DOES NOT USE GASOLINE OR ANY DERIVATIVE OF PETROLEUM ) IS DEVELOPED THERE WILL BE VERY LITTLE DEMAND FOR OIL. PRICE LOW!!! 14. WHEN THIS DEVICE COMES FORTH IT WILL MAKE OIL ALMOST WORTHLESS, (NO DEMAND) SO AS SOON AS THE OFFER IS MADE THE OIL OWNERS (OPEC AND DOMESTIC), BECAUSE OF FEAR THAT THE DEVICE WILL COME FORTH QUICKLY WILL BEGIN TO PUMP, AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, THEIR BILLIONS OF BARRELS OF UNDERGROUND OIL. (There is no shortage as we were told. Lies by the government and the oil industry in the 1970's). IT IS MORE INTELLIGENT FOR THEM TO GET THEIR OIL OUT OF THE GROUND QUICKLY AND GET $10.00 PER BARREL (GASOLINE $0.50 PER GAL) NOW THAN IT IS TO WAIT UNTIL THE DEVICE IS PRODUCED AND GET NOTHING.. 15. THIS VAST SUPPLY OF OIL FLOODING THE MARKET WILL FORCE THE PRICE OF GASOLINE DOWN TO FIFTY CENTS PER GALLON AND KEEP IT THERE. 16. MANY WILL ARGUE "THIS WILL NOT WORK" THESE ARE THE ONES THAT ARE FEARFUL THAT IT WILL. STATE TO THESE DOUBTERS "IT COSTS NOTHING TO MAKE THE OFFER AND WE WILL WAIT AND SEE". 17. YOU NOW UNDERSTAND THE MAIN THRUST OF THIS OFFER. THE FOLLOWING NUMBERED PARAGRAPHS ARE REQUIREMENTS AND COMMENTS CONCERNING HOW IT MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED. IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE SLIGHTEST POSSIBILITY OF TAKING THIS MOST AWESOME PRIZE EVER OFFERED BY MANKIND YOU SHOULD STUDY THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT. 18. THE MAGNITUDE OF HEALTH BENEFITS WORLD WIDE WITH THIS PLAN WILL BE INCREDIBLE IF PRESIDENT CLINTON HAS THE COURAGE AND MENTALITY TO OPPOSE THE OIL CARTEL (big, big, money. They own half the world including control of many governments). 19. THE OIL COMPANIES KNOW THEIR MONOPOLY CANNOT LAST FOREVER. THIS OFFER WILL BE MADE SOONER OR LATER AND THEIR MONOPOLY WILL CRUMBLE. SOMEONE OR SOME COMPANY THAT IS WITHHOLDING A DEVICE THAT WILL FULFILL THE STATED REQUIREMENTS WILL SELL IT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BECAUSE IT IS MORALLY THE CORRECT THING TO DO AND FOR A $300 BILLION NET (CLEAR, NO TAXES) PROFIT. 20. THIS DEVICE WILL REMOVE THE CAUSE OF 80% OF TOTAL WORLD POLLUTION. THIS GREAT AMOUNT (80%) IS ATTRIBUTED TO EXHAUST GASES AND THE BURNING OF FOSSIL (coal, oil. gas, wood) FUELS FOR POWER GENERATION. 21. According to Senator George J. Mitchell as stated in his book, World On Fire. "Due to China's move into an accelerated industrial phase, enough fossil (GAS,OIL,COAL,WOOD) fuels will have been burned in that country alone to destroy mankind by the year 2025". 22. MEXICO CITY WITH ONE OF THE HIGHEST LUNG CANCER COUNTS IN THE WORLD, BECAUSE OF EXHAUST EMISSIONS, WILL AGAIN HAVE CLEAR SKIES 23. Reduced electric bills, commercial and residential, by at least 70%. 24. It will close, by making unprofitable, every nuclear power plant on earth. Nuclear power plants sell electricity at 10-12 cents per kilowatt hour. This device will cause electricity to be sold at 1-2 cents per kilowatt hour, so the nuclear power plants cannot compete. No more hazardous nuclear waste or the melt down potential of killing millions. 25. Stop acid rain that is devastating millions of acres of forest in every nation. (Research "ACID RAIN" ON THE NET) 26. Avoid future situations such as the problem of the Gulf War because of oil. 27. Reduce greatly, ocean oil spills because very little oil will be transported between countries. The U.S. would import no oil at that time. 28. Stop the devastating drain on our economy of paying billions of dollars per week to OPEC for oil. 29. Halt nuclear waste dumps that are poisoning large portions of the earth and will continue to do so for hundreds of years. 30. GREATLY REDUCE TERRORISM. WE PURCHASE HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF PETROLEUM PER YEAR FROM THE OPEC. MANY OF THOSE COUNTRIES USE THAT MONEY TO FINANCE TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS AND EXPORT TERRORISM TO THE U.S. AND THE ENTIRE WORLD, SO WE ALLOW THEM TO HAVE GREAT CONTROL OVER OUR NATIONAL SECURITY (EXPLAINED BELOW PAR.37-38) AND WE FINANCE THEIR TERRORIST ACTIVITIES. 31. WHEN PRESIDENT CLINTON, OR THE NEXT PRESIDENT MAKES THIS OFFER IT WILL PRODUCE THE DEVICE. $300 BILLION (tax free) OF AMERICAN MONEY WILL MOTIVATE A WORLD WIDE EFFORT AMONG UNIVERSITIES, COMPANIES, INDIVIDUALS, EVEN GOVERNMENTS THAT PRODUCE NO OIL. THE WORLD INTELLIGENTSIA WILL STRIVE TO TAKE THE GREATEST PRIZE EVER OFFERED BY MANKIND. 32. IF PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON DOES NOT MAKE THIS OFFER IMMEDIATELY BEFORE HE LEAVES OFFICE (to benefit every American by lowering the price of gasoline and heating oil at least one and two dollars respectively per gallon) IT WILL DEMONSTRATE TO ALL AMERICAN VOTERS AND THE ENTIRE WORLD THAT HE HAS SOLD OUT AND IS OWNED BY THE OIL CARTEL. (big money, in this country alone one trillion dollars per year). IF BILL CLINTON MADE THIS OFFER IT WOULD MAKE AL GORE'S ELECTION A CERTAINTY. 33. FACT: ONE HUMAN LIVING ONE YEAR OF A HEALTHIER MORE PRODUCTIVE LIFE EQUALS ONE MAN YEAR. 34. IF THE REDUCED POLLUTION, FROM THIS DEVICE, OVER A PERIOD OF YEARS GIVES ONLY ONE OUT OF EVERY SIX HUMANS ONE EXTRA YEAR OF A HEALTHIER LIFE, THEN PRESIDENT CLINTON WILL HAVE GIVEN THE HUMAN RACE (SIX BILLION PEOPLE) ONE THOUSAND MILLION MAN YEARS OF A MORE HEALTHY PRODUCTIVE LIFE. "THE SECOND SAVIOR OF MANKIND". 35. MOST PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH FACTUAL KNOWLEDGE TO REALIZE HOW MUCH THIS DEVICE WILL BLESS THE ENTIRE ECOSYSTEM OF THE PLANET EARTH. YOU VOTERS GET ON THE INTERNET, DO RESEARCH AND GET A FULL UNDERSTANDING OF THE TREMENDOUS BENEFIT YOU, YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR GRANDCHILDREN WILL RECEIVE FROM THIS FOREVER. 36. IF WE ALL CONSIDER THE FACTS AND REMARKS PRESENTED IN SENATOR GEORGE J. MITCHELL''''S BOOK "WORLD ON FIRE" AND THE WONDERFUL BOOK, "EARTH IN THE BALANCE", WRITTEN BY NONE OTHER THAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AL GORE (THESE BOOKS CAN BE CHECKED OUT OF YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY) THESE TWO RENOWNED GENTLEMEN WILL BE FORCED TO AGREE WITH US THAT IT IS CRIMINAL IF PRESIDENT CLINTON WAITS ONE DAY TO IMPLEMENT THIS GREATEST BLESSING THAT THE EARTH HAS RECEIVED SINCE CHRIST. WE CAN SEE NO LOGICAL REASON FOR ANY HUMAN TO BE AGAINST THIS PROPOSAL UNLESS THEY OWN OIL OR ARE PAID BY THE OIL CARTEL TO PREVENT IT. IF YOUR ELECTED SENATOR OR REPRESENTATIVE COMES AGAINST OR DOES NOT SUPPORT THIS PUBLICLY ASK YOURSELF HOW MUCH YOU THINK THEY ARE BEING PAID TO CONTINUE INJURING YOUR FAMILY'S HEALTH, THEN VOTE FOR THEIR OPPONENT. 37. THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPHS GIVE SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION ON HOW TO MANAGE THE ACTIVATION OF THIS PROPOSAL EXCEPT PAR.45-56 WHICH IS A COPY OF A LETTER AND DOCUMENT SENT TO PRESIDENT CLINTON ONE MONTH AFTER HE TOOK OFFICE EIGHT YEARS AGO, AGAIN IN 1997 AND AGAIN IN 2000. ASK HIM (CLINTON) AND HIS PARTY MEMBERS WHY THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS NOT ALREADY USED THIS PROPOSAL. THEY HAVE HAD IT IN THEIR POSSESSION FOR EIGHT YEARS. WE NEED TO ASK A QUESTION HERE AND FORM AN OPINION. THE QUESTION: HAS PRESIDENT CLINTON COMMITTED TREASON (STRONG WORD, CHECK THE DICTIONARY AND SEE IF YOU CAN AGREE THAT HE HAS) BY NOT MAKING THIS OFFER? READ THE NEXT PARAGRAPH BEFORE MAKING YOUR DECISION. IN MY OPINION HE HAS COMMITTED TREASON. 38. THE LOGIC CONCERNING THIS MATTER: A RELIABLE, SECURE, UNDER OUR CONTROL ENERGY SOURCE IS ONE OF THE MOST CRITICAL ISSUES OF NATIONAL SECURITY. OUR PRESENT SITUATION IS STUPID. (DO NOT COUNT ON THE STRATEGIC OIL RESERVES THEY ARE FOR OUR MILITARY ONLY AND WILL LAST APPROXIMATELY ONE MONTH TO BE USED ONLY IN CASE OF WAR) OUR NATIONAL SECURITY DEPENDS UPON A STEADY FLOW OF FOREIGN OIL THAT COULD BE INTERRUPTED AT ANY TIME BY THE WHIM OF A DICTATOR, RULER, THE OPEC OR A TERRORIST GROUP. WE FOUGHT A WAR (GULF WAR) THAT COST US $100 BILLION, PLACED THE ARMS, LEGS, EYES AND LIVES OF THOUSANDS OF OUR SONS AT RISK, KILLED TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ON THE OTHER SIDE, CONTAMINATED THOUSANDS OF OUR OWN SONS WITH LIFELONG PHYSICAL PROBLEMS AND THEN WE GAVE THE OIL SUPPLY BACK TO A RULER (WITHOUT ANY CONCESSIONS, THAT RULER WAS GIVEN AN UNBELIEVABLE FREE GIFT, WHAT DID THE AMERICAN VOTER GET??? THEIR USUAL.) THAT IS NOW CHARGING US $2-$3 A GALLON FOR GASOLINE. AT THAT TIME PRESIDENT BUSH COULD HAVE OBTAINED ALL THE OIL THAT AMERICANS WILL NEED FOR THE NEXT 25 YEARS AT $10 PER BARREL(gasoline $0.50 per gal). ALL HE HAD TO DO WAS ASK. HE DID NOT DO THIS. IS THAT AN ACT OF TREASON? IT WOULD APPEAR THAT HE DID NOT GET US THIS CONCESSION BECAUSE "THE BUSH DYNASTY" WEALTH IS TIED DIRECTLY TO THE PRICE OF GASOLINE. 39. CONCERNING THE ELECTION: IF GOVERNOR BUSH IS ELECTED HE WOULD NEVER ALLOW THIS PLAN TO BE ACTIVATED. IT WOULD DEVASTATE THE FAMILY FORTUNE. IF THIS MAN IS ELECTED THE PRICE OF GASOLINE WILL GO UP, UP, UP DURING HIS TERM AND THAT IS LOGICAL FOR IT MAKES HIM RICHER. 40. AL GORE, IF HE WOULD SWEAR TO ACTIVATE THIS WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER ELECTION BY EXECUTIVE ORDER WE SHOULD VOTE FOR HIM, PRAYERFULLY. 41. HAVE VERY LITTLE CONFIDENCE IN EITHER OF THESE MEN. WE DESPERATELY NEED SOMEONE WITH PLAIN, COMMON SENSE. WE HAVE SEEN VERY LITTLE OF THAT IN THE PAST SEVERAL PRESIDENTS. THESE HIGHLY EDUCATED, INTELLIGENT PEOPLE TRULY HAVE OUR COUNTRY IN A MESS. 42. THIS PLAN WILL BLESS YOU, YOUR CHILDREN AND EVERY HUMAN ON EARTH. IT CAN HARM NO ONE EXCEPT THE INCOME OF THE OIL CARTEL. DO ALL OF YOU UNDERSTAND THAT IF THE OPEC DECIDED TO RAISE THE PRICE OF OIL TO A POINT WHERE WE HAVE TO PAY $10.00 OR MORE A GALLON FOR GASOLINE THERE IS NOTHING WE COULD DO EXCEPT PAY. 43. IF PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON HAS THE GUTS TO MAKE THIS OFFER, BY EXECUTIVE ORDER, BEFORE HE LEAVES OFFICE HE WILL BECOME KNOWN, AFTER THE DEVICE IS INVENTED, AS "THE SECOND SAVIOR OF MANKIND". 44. YOU NOW UNDERSTAND THE GIST OF THIS PROPOSAL EXCEPT THIS ONE HARD FACT: THE PERFECT WAY TO APPEAR TO BE FOR THIS PROPOSAL AND YET DEFEAT IT IS TO FORCE IT TO GO THROUGH THE PATENT PROCESS!!!!!!!!!! COPY OF LETTER TO PRESIDENT CLINTON 1993-1997-2000 Frank Boockholdt 1295 Ponderosa Circle Sylacauga, AL 35151 (256) 208-7777 Today, 1997 Bill Clinton, President The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 Mr. President: " THE ONLY CHOICE" (FORMAT: WORD PERFECT 6-7-8-9 75%) 45. It has occurred to me that among the various plans available to solve the many crisis affecting Americans, very few have been successfully utilized. The reasons for failure are many, the excuses multitudinous. I think one question each of us must ask is....if a plan were devised that would, reduce drastically the price of gasoline and heating oil, reduce world wide pollution by 80 percent, pay off the national debt with no increase in present taxes, stimulate the American economy, and eliminate international dependency on the OPEC, could we set aside the excuses long enough to implement the plan? 46. The following proposal outlines an indirect plan that will have a direct effect on each of the before mentioned issues. It is unique, simple, and logical. It costs nothing to try. Its results will be instantaneous but more importantly, it places the burden for America back where it belongs; with the American people. 47. The premise for this solution is based on one simple thing...the offer to purchase by the American people a device that will replace the petroleum driven internal combustion engine. This device can emit no harmful pollution, cannot be driven by gasoline, nor any derivative of petroleum, and must not cost more than one cent per mile to operate. 48. The technology now exists for such a device and in many cases has been successful, but quelled due to interference by concerned parties. (oil owners) therefore, the success of this plan does not hinge on whether or not a replacement for the gasoline powered engine can be developed. Rather, its success lies in the proper handling of the device once it has been developed. 49. Consider the advantages this device offers the average person: the American people purchase approximately 300 billion gallons of gasoline per year at an average cost of $1.50 per gallon. $450 billion per year spent on an imported and domestic petroleum product. If the average cost to operate the new engine is one cent (or less) per mile, comparable to gasoline priced at 17 cents per gallon, then nearly 250 billion dollars annually will remain in American pockets to be spent on consumer goods, (CAN YOU MAINTAIN STABILITY IF THAT HAPPENS MR.GREENSPAN? AN ASIDE TO AMERICAN PRESIDENTS: KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF THE FED. THEY DO A MIRACULOUS JOB. NEVER ATTEMPT TO TURN THAT FUNCTION OVER TO A GOVERNMENT AGENCY. IF YOU DID IT WOULD HERALD THE DESTRUCTION OF THE AMERICAN MONETARY SYSTEM) which will create millions of new jobs and stimulate the American economy. 50. Also consider this: if, by executive order, the American people (not the government or an individual) owned the patent for and received royalties on this non-hazardous, petroleum-free engine, we, the people, would be in a position to change our country''s financial situation. If, by executive order, a "Pay The National Debt Foundation" was established for one purpose as the name implies, (COME ON Mr. CLINTON DO SOMETHING WONDERFUL FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BEFORE YOU LEAVE OFFICE. SOMETHING THAT YOU WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR FOREVER, SOMETHING THAT WILL OVERSHADOW ANYTHING ELSE YOU MIGHT HAVE DONE) and if the American people controlled that foundation, supporting it with a tax levied on the device at the production level, (Including the tax, the cost of this device to the American people to install in their automobile will be less than the cost of an automobile engine today) the national debt could be paid off in less than fifteen years. 51. The global ecological advantages are astounding. Some estimates say that 70% of the world''s total pollution comes from the internal combustion engine. If the cause has been removed, the effect will soon follow. On a larger scale, once a new source for power generation has been identified and proven cost-effective, the new technology will become an industry standard. Nuclear, oil and coal-fired generating plants will become obsolete along with their pollution and poisonous waste. 52. Any negative impact will be softened because it will take many years for gas powered engines to completely phase out so the sale of gasoline will diminish very slowly. As soon as this offer is made it will have at least one instant effect. Due to the prospect of their product soon becoming nearly worthless, OPEC will begin selling oil at their maximum production capacity, causing a tremendous reduction in the price of gasoline and other oil based commodities. Eventually, an invulnerability to oil supply and price disruption, such as those after 1973, will have been effected. The possibility of oceanic oil spills will be greatly diminished due to the reduction of im/exportation and future situations such as the gulf war will be avoided. 53. I have briefly listed only the most certain and readily apparent benefits that would result from this plan, however the impact of it''s success will be far more reaching than I have endeavored to pen. Approaching this proposal with an open mind is the key to its acceptance, and once accepted, its possibilities are endless. IT WILL USHER IN A GOLDEN AGE OF VERY INEXPENSIVE, CLEAN POWER. 54. That there will be opposition to this plan is a given, but after careful consideration and full understanding of the plan in its entirety, the benefits to the American people will far outweigh any negative impact. Also, by assuming the natural laws of cause and effect, and shrewdly utilizing the business opportunities that the development of such a device provides, the American people will correct their deplorable financial and environmental state. 55. The enclosed proposition explains, in detail how to encourage the development of this device at no cost to the American people (i.e. Not becoming liable for research or product development costs. How to make this engine profitable to the American people, and what effects this engine can have on national, international and global levels, and how to implement the plan successfully. 56. Please take a few moments to review and study the plan as outlined in the following pages. If you have questions, or wish to discuss this proposal, feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time and your consideration. Sincerely, Frank Boockholdt "THE ONLY CHOICE" A green plan by: Frank Boockholdt 57. This plan is green in the sense that it will remove the cause of 80% of total world pollution, also green in the sense that it will produce enough money to pay off the national debt ($6.5 trillion) in fifteen years with no increase in present taxes, it will also force the price of petroleum to approximately half price thereby drastically lowering the price of gasoline worldwide. 58. "Due to China's move into an accelerated industrial phase, enough fossil fuels will have been burned in that country alone to destroy mankind by the year 2025", according to Senator George J. Mitchell as stated in his book, "World On Fire". Deadly poisons are emitted into the air daily as the world drives itself to work and home it by car, bus, or train. Acid rain, oil spills, smog, and nuclear waste are the lethal by-products of man's heedless use of energy sources that are becoming more harmful than beneficial. 59. Awareness was the first step in righting these wrongs. Change is the next inevitable step and most certainly the price of survival. It is only a matter of time before man must accept responsibility for his actions and begin making indemnification. 60. An affordable, pollution-free energy source will eventually be developed and utilized, the tyranny of petroleum exporting countries, and our domestic suppliers, will come to an end, and the evolutionary process of global society will follow its natural course. The question is...who will make the first move? At what cost? At what profit? 61. This proposal offers a plan that will make America the leader in this necessary progression of mankind. It also offers a solution that would pay off our national debt within fifteen years, stimulate the American economy and eliminate international dependency on the OPEC. The premise for this submission is based on one simple action, development of a device (purchased by the American people) that will replace the petroleum driven internal combustion (automobile) engine. Development And Implementation (DEVICE REQUIREMENTS) 62. To make this plan successful and receive payment, the device must meet the following requirements: (1) it can emit no harmful pollution. (2) it cannot be powered by gasoline nor any derivative of petroleum. (3) it must not cost more than one cent per mile (retail purchase price of not more than $2500) to operate. (4) it must be capable of propelling a traditional 3000 lb.(+) automobile at a speed of at least 55 mph. (5) fuel storage (minimum 250 mile trip) requirements must be reasonable. (6) (A REQUIREMENT ON THE U.S. GOVERNMENT) the device and patent must be owned and controlled by the American people, not the government or an individual. In addition, there is to be no money spent enacting the plan. No monies will be paid until after the device has been developed, demonstrated and tested as outlined. 63. The technology for the development of such a device now exists. And in many cases has been successful However, due to the interference of concerned parties, (oil owners) the realization of these endeavors never come to pass. In order to motivate wide spread participation in the development of a device to replace the existing automobile engine, there must be an assurance of profit and acceptance. 64. Protecting the device and preventing any opportunity for suppression is essential to the success of this plan. Therefore the offer for the completed engine should be substantial enough to deter the developer(s) from selling to those dedicated to the continuance of existing energy sources and to provide strong motivation for attempting the project. In addition, the required method of disclosure, as appears in PAR.67 thru 70 must be closely adhered to in order to ensure that those intent upon obscuring the device will not have the opportunity to do so. Motivation For The Development Of This Device 65. Through a presidential executive order, by Bill Clinton or the next president, the American people offer a fee of 100 billion dollars, for the purchase of an alternative engine (REQUIREMENTS PAR.62 (1-5) with a ten year, tax free stipulation on both the initial amount and all income generated through the investment of and interest drawn on the initial amount, (leaving the developer, whether individual or industry, responsible for all research, experimentation, and developmental costs) then we will actually be saving an estimated $50 billion per year (pollution control, decreased medical costs) and eliminating the prospect of another oil based war. The ten year tax free stipulation allows the developer(s) the possibility of (depending on the interest drawn or investments made) upwards of 300+ billion dollars. 66. After the engine (device) has been developed and tested, a foundation which will own the patent, shall be established by executive order for the purpose of paying off the national debt. This non-government foundation (owned and operated by the American people, after all, their tax money purchased the device) will be responsible for collecting a $2000 tax, levied on the device at the production level, and applying the full amount to the national debt. As specified in Par.62, Num.3, the maximum retail shall not exceed $2500. Thus, the maximum purchase price, including the $2000 tax shall not exceed $4500. (25% of mid-size new car costs (PRESENT DAY) allotted to engine, approximately $5ooo). This $4500 price tag keeps us below the present day cost of an automobile engine, so no increase. Required Method Of Disclosure 67. Suppressing any alternative power source that threatens their profits is, no doubt, the number one priority to those (oil owners) who now have a conspiratorial monopoly in this multi-trillion dollar industry. Thus, normal avenues for disclosure which leave much to chance (i.e. submitting plans for a patent which would give concerned parties time to bury the device or selling to a private buyer who may shelve the engine after purchase) must be avoided. 68. The following steps ensure the device will circumvent any attempts to suppress it and must be complied with to collect the $300 billion dollars. 69. On the first weekday morning after the device is ready to be demonstrated, one hundred copies of plans for the device shall be mailed from a large post office, no drop box, to various people interested in the project, such as The President, major newspapers, magazines, large TV stations, universities, manufactures of automobiles, and power generating equipment manufacturers. MAKE NO LIST OF THESE MAILINGS. YOU HAVE NO IDEA OF THE INFINITE RESOURCES YOU ARE UP AGAINST!!!! Post plans (several places) on the Internet immediately before demonstration starts. 70. The industry ready device, working as specified in Par.62 (1)-(5), shall the following (next day after mailing) morning be demonstrated live, (DO NOT GIVE THE STATIONS PRIOR WARNING) to all available television stations, explaining the working principle and all active, visible parts. This will establish the legal date of completion, right of payment and identity of the developer(s). YOU WILL NOT BE PAID IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE. 71. Testing of the device shall be completed within forty-five days of first demonstration. Five testing organizations (PAID BY THE GOVERNMENT) may be chosen or refused by the developer(s) with the stipulation that five independent (non-government) testing organizations are utilized. 72. Before receiving payment, the device must prove to meet all five requirements as stated in Par.62 (1)-(5). Number six (6) must be adhered to by the United States government. If the device meets all requirements with the exception of cost per mile, a purchase price of 75 billion dollars with the same tax-free stipulation as stated in PAR.65 will be paid, if the cost per mile remains two cents or less. $5 billion deducted from the $75 billion for each additional penny per mile above two. 73. However, if an invaluable and economical, no harmful pollution, non-petroleum based energy source (for an anti-gravity device or cold fusion, $350 billion with same tax free stipulation) is discovered that cannot be contained in an automobile yet will serve as a replacement for existing coal, gas, oil and nuclear powered electrical generation, (KWH NOT TO EXCEED 0.06 CENTS) a purchase price of eighty billion dollars with the same tax-free stipulation will be paid. This device will be owned by the above mentioned foundation. Origination Fee And Author''s Contribution 74. No one, including high priced consultants or government problem solvers have determined a way to solve the world's energy problem, reduce drastically the price of gasoline, heating oil and natural gas, reduce worldwide pollution by eighty per cent, pay off the national debt with no increase in present taxes, and eliminate international dependency on the OPEC. When this plan is successful and produces the device, each of these major crisis will be resolved. Therefore, for having precipitated the solving of these world and U.S. problems, the United States government agrees, affirms and promises to pay a fee of ten percent (of the developer's fee) to the author, Franklin D. Boockholdt, concurrent with payment to the developer(s). When this offer is made and it reduces the price of gasoline and heating oil, (PRIOR TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DEVICE) the author will receive one third of the charged fee, immediately. The author's (FRANKLIN D. BOOCKHOLDT) payments and fees will receive the same ten year, tax free stipulation as that of the developer(s). 75. Upon formation of the "Pay The National Debt Foundation", the author hereby volunteers to direct the foundation for a salary of one dollar per year until the national debt has been paid. 76. Note: permission is hereby granted to duplicate or publish (PART OR ALL) this copyrighted material, to e-mail or forward to any parties interested in studying its contents. If you have any questions or comments please direct them to the author at the address below. 77. KEEP IN MIND THIS COSTS NOT ONE PENNY TO ATTEMPT AND WILL PRODUCE TREMENDOUS BENEFITS. 78. PLEASE HELP US ALL AND FORWARD OR E-MAIL THIS TO EVERYONE IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK AND AS MANY NEWS MEDIA, SENATORS, REPRESENTATIVES, ACTIVISTS AND OTHERS AS YOU HAVE TIME. THIS WILL HELP EVERY INHABITANT OF THE PLANET EARTH IF WE CAN CAUSE IT TO BE ACTIVATED!!!!! OUR BEST CHANCE IS PRIOR TO PRESIDENT CLINTON LEAVING OFFICE. BRIEF INDEX (78A) WHY GASOLINE PRICE WILL DROP RAPIDLY PAR.12A-16 TREASON: PAR.37-38 COPY OF PROPOSAL SENT TO PRESIDENT CLINTON ONE MONTH AFTER TAKING OFFICE, AGAIN IN 1997 AND AGAIN IN 2000 PAR.45-56 ANY NEGATIVE IMPACT WILL BE SOFTENED PAR.52 REQUIREMENTS FOR DEVICE PAR.62. MOTIVATION FOR DEVELOPMENT. PAR.65 METHOD OF DISCLOSURE PAR.67-70 79. YOU GENIUSES THAT I ENVY. YOU THAT KNOW HOW TO MANIPULATE A COMPUTER LIKE A FINELY TUNED MUSICAL INSTRUMENT AND MAKE IT DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU WISH. IF I KNEW HOW I WOULD DO WHAT I AM ABOUT TO ASK YOU TO DO. PLEASE, HELP US ALL BY MAKING THIS PROPOSAL BE SENT TO EVERY E-MAIL ADDRESS ON EARTH PRIOR TO NOVEMBER SEVENTH ELECTION OR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. PLEASE HELP!!!! COPYRIGHT 1991 - 1996 BY FRANK BOOCKHOLDT 1295 PONDEROSA CIRCLE, SYLACAUGA, AL 35151 (256) 208-7777 The oil cartel has had a strangle hold on the human race for too long. It is time we came out from under this bondage!!!!) BRIEF INDEX PAR. 78A - Attachment Filename: C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\PRES__CLINTON___GORE_-_GASOLINE_$0_50_PER_GAL_\Part.001 - Attachment Filename: C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\PRES__CLINTON___GORE_-_GASOLINE_$0_50_PER_GAL_\Mime.822