Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003
From: "ECS e-Connection" <> To: RM.GOV_PO.GOV_MAIL Created: 10/16/2002 9:00 AM Subject: ECS e-Connection 10/16/02 Message: ********************************************************** * Welcome to the "e-Connection" from the * * EDUCATION COMMISSION OF THE STATES, * * a weekly publication with links * * to key education information. * * * * * * * ********************************************************** ------------------------ WHAT STATES ARE DOING ------------------------ The ALABAMA Board of Education approved a resolution requiring prospective state teachers to be tested in basic math and reading skills. The tests are a precondition for all teachers who apply for certification beginning January 1, 2003. A writing test also is expected to be implemented next spring. The FLORIDA Department of Education and Governor Jeb Bush announced two new programs to help recruit and retain teachers. The Florida Teacher EdLoan plan will allow certified K-12 teachers and administrators to repay their education loans at a discounted rate. And the "Homes 4 Teachers" program will allow Florida teachers to purchase homes with affordable, 30-year fixed-rate mortgages that require little or no down payment. ------------------------ GOOD READS ------------------------ The Metlife 2002 SURVEY OF THE AMERICAN TEACHER finds that the lowest-performing students are more likely than top students to come from low-income families, never eat breakfast, get less sleep and exercise than higher- performing students. The survey is based on a national sample of 7-12th grade public school students and teachers. According to an article in this week's Time Magazine, taxpayers spend approximately $1 billion a year on REMEDIAL CLASSES for entering college freshman who failed to master reading, writing and math skills in high school. The article discusses how state policymakers are grappling with the issue of using state money to pay for remediation. A new Century Foundation report finds that schools are becoming increasingly segregated by economic status. It also finds that eliminating concentrated school poverty is the single most-important step that can be taken to promote educational equality and achievement. The report argues that SCHOOL INTEGRATION can best be accomplished through public school choice rather than forced busing and vouchers. ------------------------ ECS NEWS ------------------------ The ECS FALL STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING will take place December 9-11 in New Orleans. Agenda and registration materials will be mailed out this week. ------------------------ ECS PROJECT SPOTLIGHT ------------------------ The STATE ACTION FOR EDUCATION LEADERSHIP PROJECT (SAELP) is sponsoring a conference on current trends in state and district governance. The conference will be held November 18-19 in Oakbrook, Illinois. SAELP is led by the Council of Chief State School Officers, in partnership with ECS, the National Conference of State Legislatures, the National Governors Association and the National Association of State Boards of Education. For more information, contact Katy Anthes at ------------------------ NEW ECS PUBLICATIONS ------------------------ A new ECS StateNote looks at how states address the overrepresentation of minority students in SPECIAL EDUCATION programs. Check out our updated 50-state roundup of KINDERGARTEN policies. ------------------------ UPCOMING MEETINGS/EVENTS ------------------------ The COUNCIL OF CHIEF STATE SCHOOL OFFICERS' Annual Policy Forum and Business Meeting will take place in New Orleans on November 8-10. ------------------------ OTHER USEFUL WEB SITES ------------------------ The NATIONAL CENTER FOR EDUCATION STATISTICS' report "What Students Pay for College" is available on the Web. The study examines recent trends in the "net price" (the amount families pay for tuition and living expenses after subtracting financial aid awards) of attending college. The NCES site for the report also includes links to information on related subjects such as student financial aid and higher education financing. ---------------------------------------------------------- If you do not wish to receive this weekly communication, please reply to this e-mail with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. To sign up a friend, send us his or her name, title, organization, phone number and e-mail address. - Attachment Filename: C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\ECS e-Connection 10_16_02\Mime.822