Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003
From: Celeste Brignac <> To: RM.GOV_PO.GOV_MAIL Created: 7/1/2002 10:29 AM Subject: Celeste Brignac Wanted You To Know About This! Message: You're receiving a copy of this letter written via because Celeste Brignac considers you someone who should be aware of this experience with Mississippi State Legislature. Please handle this letter the same as you would handle any other type of constituent feedback. To learn more about our services, visit our home page at, the leading online consumer feedback Web site. ============================================== July 1, 2002 TO: Nancy O Wyatt Mississippi State Legislature 156043 Rosewood Street Gulfport , MS 39503 FROM: Celeste Brignac Starkville, MS 39759 RE: PLANETFEEDBACK REFERENCE NUMBER 1704896 Dear Ms Wyatt , One of the things that makes America great is the ability of citizens like me to air complaints with my government. That's the purpose of this letter, to discuss the education at Mississippi State Legislature and why I'm upset. I'm really furious about this. To the Mississippi legislature: THANKS SO MUCH for the non-existant raise you are giving the educators of this state. I will no longer trust anyone who campaigns on the education issue. The situation of our colleges is disgusting. The morale here at MSU is at an all time low. People are leaving our college and leaving our state! Most are talking that we are all going to become a JUNIOR college because our legislature cannot support education in Mississippi. Wake up and realize what is going on! The state is going to LOSE. OUR CHILDREN WILL ULTIMATELY LOSE. I do not want to send my kids out of state to college, but if there are no quality teachers left here, I will gladly send them to another state that appreciates education. In the spirit of good government and civility, I hope to receive a response from you soon. Sincerely, CC: Thad Cochran Trent Lott Ronnie Musgrove Eric Clark ============================================== helps consumers focus and direct their feedback to companies. It keeps people and organizations who are interested in consumer issues informed of the public's experiences and opinions. Involving people and organizations like you helps consumers become even more influential. Perhaps you can help this constituent directly. Perhaps it's simply helpful for you to know the kinds of feedback your constituents are giving and the companies they are writing to. - Attachment Filename: C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\Celeste Brignac Wanted You To Know About This!\Mime.822