Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003
From: <> To: Governor Musgrove Created: 5/23/2001 11:15 AM Subject: Wetlands Permit Message: Governor, In my travels to the Coast, I have received comments regarding the DMR Commission's approval last week of the Pine Hills Golf Course wetlands permit. This is the first time in history that DMR has permitted activity of the type permitted, going against the agency's professional staff. The point being made by a number of people is that 3 Fordice appointees voted against the permit; all 3 Musgrove appointees voted for the permit. The tie was broken by the chair, appointed by Fordice. Hemba spoke in favor of the permit. Public perception is that Carpenter was intent on getting the project permitted and that Gollott was a driving force. FYI: Rudy Lesso has been referenced a number of times as having an ax to grind with DMR because he didn't get a fill permit for a project he wanted and he wanted to get on the Commission to make it easier to get permits. True or false, it is perception. The dicotomy comes with us spending $25 million to conserve, protect and restore the health of the Coastal ecology, particulary water quality that directly influences the health of our fisheries economy and effects our run-off pollution and our abundant drinking water supplies. I'm here if I can help. jayne. - Attachment Filename: C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\Wetlands Permit\Mime.822