Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003
From: "ECS e-Connection" <> To: RM.GOV_PO.GOV_MAIL Created: 1/16/2002 9:12 AM Subject: ECS e-Connection 01/16/02 Message: ********************************************************** * Welcome to the "e-Connection" from the * * EDUCATION COMMISSION OF THE STATES, * * a weekly publication with links * * to key education information. * * * * * * * ********************************************************** ------------------------ WHAT STATES ARE DOING ------------------------ The start of the new year means it is time for most governors to deliver their STATE-OF-THE-STATE addresses. Summaries of the governors' education priorities will appear on our Web site, starting with ALABAMA, CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, IDAHO, KENTUCKY, MINNESOTA, NEW YORK, VERMONT and WEST VIRGINIA. Check back often for summaries on additional states. Five states and four national education groups have launched a two-year, $2.4 million initiative, the American Diploma Project, focused on the quality of HIGH SCHOOL EXIT EXAMS and their effects on students. The states are INDIANA, KENTUCKY, MASSACHUSETTS, NEVADA and TEXAS. Details of the project are available through Achieve, one of the four sponsoring organizations. ------------------------ GOOD READS ------------------------ A six-and-one-half year study by the Urban Institute has found that the Pathways to Teaching Careers TEACHER PREPARATION PROGRAM produces candidates likelier to teach effectively and remain in the profession longer than typically trained beginning teachers. The model, developed with support from the Wallace-Reader's Digest Funds, is an effective, affordable way to increase both the size and diversity of the teaching force, the report said. At a time when high schools must be pathways to college for all students, they are pathways to nowhere for many. TRANSFORMING THE AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL identifies systemic policy issues and change strategies necessary to respond to this emerging crisis on a large scale and in the fastest possible timeframe. The recently reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act requires states to administer annual ASSESSMENTS in reading and math for grades 3-8 as one method of improving student performance. A report from the Consortium for Policy Research in Education, however, suggests that rising scores on annual state assessments in Texas have had at best a small effect on important education outcomes such as high school completion and the likelihood of attending college. The ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management has added up-to-date analysis of SOCIAL TRENDS, including racial/ethnic diversity, linguistic diversity, family patterns, poverty, homelessness, teen pregnancy, drug and alcohol usage, and other topics. ------------------------ ECS NEWS ------------------------ ECS is developing a series of activities and products to help state policymakers understand and move forward on the new federal ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT (ESEA). We'll provide an update on where states stand in regard to ESEA requirements, analyze the key issues, and provide conferences and technical assistance. Two new ECS COMMISSIONERS have been appointed from Missouri. They are: CHRISTINE L. GUINTHER, teacher and curriculum and instruction facilitator in the Francis Howell School District in St. Charles; and JOHN A. MARTIN, superintendent of Consolidated School District No. 4 in Grandview. ------------------------ NEW ECS PUBLICATIONS ------------------------ A new ECS StateNote describes the various approaches to funding ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE programs in seven randomly selected states. The states include: California, Florida, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Texas. ------------------------ NAMES IN THE NEWS ------------------------ The U.S. Department of Education announced that MARY JANE T. PEARSON will serve as the secretary's regional representative for Region IX. Region IX includes Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, American Samoa, Guam and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. ------------------------ UPCOMING MEETINGS/EVENTS ------------------------ The NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF STATE LEGISLATURES' School Finance Seminar, "Funding Education in a Changing Economy" will take place February 15-17 in Palm Springs, California. The meeting features sessions for both veterans and newcomers to school finance issues. ------------------------ OTHER USEFUL WEB SITES ------------------------ The National Center for Education Statistics' Education FINANCE STATISTICS CENTER allows users to compare the financial and demographic characteristics of a single school district with a set of its peers. This site has been updated with 1997-98 information, the latest available. ---------------------------------------------------------- If you do not wish to receive this weekly communication, please reply to this e-mail with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. To sign up a friend, send us his or her name, title, organization and e-mail address. - Attachment Filename: C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\ECS e-Connection 01_16_02\Mime.822