Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003
From: <> BC: Governor Musgrove Created: 3/1/2000 3:48 PM Subject: Federal Government Reforms--Position Paper #11 Message: Again I interrupt my planned sequence of Position Papers, in order to stress the need for timely action, by "We the People" of each of the 50 States. Through the leadership of their Governors, Lt. Governors, and State legislators, they can deliberate upon, and take concerted action among the States to defend our nation against, the threats to our National Security incident to the shortcomings of our federal government. At this writing, the two political parties are well into the status quo method, of establishing the slate of nominees for the election of the President. Primaries have been held in a few States. Already (February 10), we are down to only 2 real contenders for the Republican party slot; and one, maybe 2, for the Democratic party. Money and power still reign supreme! The electorate has been denied the right, intended in a democratic political process, to seek out and find, and give a reasonable chance to compete, of the best qualified candidates throughout the nation. Must the nation bear the risks, that resolution of our nations' shortcomings must wait yet another 2, 4, or 8 years? Until these resolutions, how well is our federal government equipped to cope with traumas in one or more of the categories of our National Security? My conclusion, as expressed in the attached Position Paper, is that we must act now. [My RESPONSIBILITY papers web site is currently unavailable. Until it is reinstituted, copies of previous Position Papers will be sent by e-mail upon request.] Guy G. Wooten (aka Publius IV) [Current e-mail address: forwarding:] Position Paper #11--NOW IS THE TIME! Position Papers #1 to #8 dealt with the Structural threats to our National Security. It is recommended that each State as soon as possible (before the Republican and Democratic party conventions) come up with its own preliminary slate of nominees, for President and Vice President, using the principles proposed in Position Papers #1 to #3. In concerted action, the 50 States meld the 50 sets into the 4 to 6 final nominees to appear on the ballot. The final slate may or may not include the nominees selected in the Democratic and Republican conventions. Position Papers #9 to #10A dealt with the Moral threats to our National Security associated with "Rights" and the "Sanctity of Life". It is recommended that the States post haste (well before the election) convene the Convention of the States to define "person" within the Constitution, acknowledging the responsibility of "We the People" to legally define when life begins. It is ludicrous that the campaigns by the Republican and Democratic parties and candidates have primarily been devoted to how to spend or apply the "budget surpluses". To predicate tax breaks, alleviation of the projected social security and Medicare shortfalls, payoff of the national debt, and increases in government spending, on projected budget surpluses, is but a replay of the 1980s. Anticipated budget surpluses are "birds in the bush", not "birds in the hand". For the two political parties, the lame-duck President, and the Presidential candidates, to employ this jeopardy to National Security, is little short of treasonous acts. With elected officials who place nation above party and self, who are not compromised by election campaign IOUs, we will be on the road to cure our national shortcomings, and therewith to insure our National Security. With the national will shown in establishing the definition of person within the Constitution, we will have demonstrated that the Constitution is alive and well. We will have adhered to the advice of President George Washington, in his farewell address: "If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates..." - Attachment Filename: C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\Federal Government Reforms--Position Paper #11\Mime.822