Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003

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From: 		Governor Musgrove
To: 		John Sewell; Lee Ann Mayo
Created: 	4/16/2002 8:14 AM
Subject: 	FYI:Fwd: MIPT News Release

Hey, this is Kim, we just got this e-mail, didn't know if it might be of interest to your department so I thought I would forward it FYI.  Thanks.

- Embedded Message: 	

From: 		"Kennedy, Jeff" <>
BC: 		Governor Musgrove
Created: 	4/15/2002 6:13 PM
Subject: 	MIPT News Release

For Immediate Release:
April 15, 2002

The Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of
Terrorism (MIPT), using generous donations from the Junior League of New
York and Continental Airlines, is bringing 19 victims families members and
rescue workers from the September 11 terrorist attacks to Oklahoma City for
the opening of the Oklahoma City National Memorial's exhibit "A Shared
Experience" and other events surrounding the April 19 anniversary of the
terrorist attack in Oklahoma City.

"This is a wonderful way to help cement our shared experience," said MIPT
External Relations Director Kenneth Thompson.  "WTC United Family Group
sponsored with funds donated by the September 11th Fund sent five family
members from Oklahoma City to visit New York in March.  This visit
reciprocates that exchange, building on our shared experience."

"Continental donated 10 round trip tickets and the Junior League of New York
donated $10,000 to fund the remaining travel, hotel and meal expenses," said
Thompson, who has made several trips to New York to work with survivors and
build links between Oklahoma City and New York City.  Thompson went on to
explain that former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was instrumental in obtaining the
donated tickets from Continental and that Journey House Travel helped obtain
low fares and hotel rates.

"Building a bond between the victims in New York and here in Oklahoma City
is an important part of MIPT's outreach.  Not only do we offer mutual
support and comfort, we are bringing attention to the emotional and
practical needs of terrorism survivors," said Thompson.  

For more information, contact Ken Thompson at 405-278-6333 or via e-mail at  For general information about MIPT and its mission, visit
our website

For an html version of this press release or for copies of other MIPT
counterterrorism research press releases, please visit  If you would like to be removed from the
MIPT press release list, please reply to with "delete from
mailing list" in the subject line and the e-mail address or fax number where
you received this message in the body.  If you believe that another person
in your organization or elsewhere should receive this message in place of or
in addition to yourself, please reply with the appropriate name and e-mail
address or fax number in the body.

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