Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003

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From: 		"ECS e-Clips" <>
To: 		Governor Musgrove
Created: 	8/16/2000 12:30 PM
Subject: 	ECS e-Clips 08/16/00

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To view these articles and EDUCATION WEEK'S "Today's Roundup,"
visit the ECS e-Clips Web site, CLICK HERE:

Wednesday, August 16, 2000

USA Today
"Other Jobs Yield Top Teachers"
Evidence from the few states aggressively recruiting
outside professionals suggests that the programs
can solve the twin challenges of finding more and
better teachers.

The New York Times (free registration required)
"Seeking to Clone Schools of Success for Poor"
An unprecedented effort to turn a boutique school
success story into a national network.

The New York Times
"Kansas Educators Turn to the Web to Create
a Unique 'Virtual' School"
In one Kansas school district, educators are using
the Internet to reach out to families that might otherwise
turn their backs on public education.

The Washington Times
Editorial: "Getting Ready for School"
New governance changes in D.C. schools prohibit
the elected board from meddling in the day-to-day
affairs of the school system and from dictating
which principals and teachers are assigned to
which schools.

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