Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003
From: Malcolm E. Holmes Jr <> To: Governor Musgrove Created: 4/8/2001 10:30 AM Subject: Comments to the Governor Message: Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by Malcolm E. Holmes Jr ( on Sunday, April 8, 2001 at 10:30:17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue: power shortage Street_Address: 7105 Greenbrook Parkway City: Southaven State: MS Zip_Code: 38671-6109 Message: With the growing power shortage in California, and the fact that they WILL qouge us as they - power companys - did on the gas prices this winter - WHY - is it that the car dealerships can have SO MANY lights on ALL NIGHT LONG? In Southaven they have flocked to Goodman Road. There are 6 of them, plus a WalMart and Sam's Club parking lot. WHY can't these places be made to turn at least half their lights off. I believe I'm right when I say they have all been given tax waivers and we, the citizens of Southaven, are paying their electrical bills - while my taxes and insurance went up. It isn't right that I pay for them. It isn't right for them to use SO much power at the expense of the rest of the city. Our administration is more concerned in getting more business here - with state approval to waive their taxes, than insure the communities power is plentiful and inexpensive. I want you to know I object to the excessive power being used by these car dealerships, and if I'm fooing the bill for them I am more dissatisfied with the state and local government. Ed Holmes submit: submit --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Attachment Filename: C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\Comments to the Governor 84\Mime.822