Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003
From: <> To: CC:; Brad Litton; Governor Musgrove Created: 2/16/2001 11:05 AM Subject: Request all documents provided to the Sun Herald Newspaper Message: Chancery Clerk: This is my third request for documents and what the cost is to obtain these documents. According to the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983 you are required to provide me with documents upon request, but first you are required to give me the cost of obtaining the requested documents. I do not understand why you are not providing the service you are paid to perform. I have request copies of the same exact computer printout plus any other documents you provided the Sun Herald Newspaper. The article which you can read at: <A HREF="">Supervisors respond to newspaper lawsuit</A> click here Please respond to my request Sincerely, Steven A. McCaleb Subj: Request all documents provided to the Sun Herald Newspaper Date: 2/15/01 10:12:35 AM Central Standard Time From: <A HREF="mailto:Mccaleb5thdist">Mccaleb5thdist</A> To: <A HREF=""></A>, <A HREF=""></A> CC: <A HREF=""></A>, <A HREF=""></A> Please respond too my request for copies of all documents you provided the Sun Herald Newspaper. This request is in connection of the Harrison County Supervisors, escrow account. Please provide the cost for reproduction. Steven A. McCaleb Subj: All documents provided to the Sun Herald Newspaper Date: 2/14/01 5:04:01 PM Central Standard Time From: <A HREF="mailto:Mccaleb5thdist">Mccaleb5thdist</A> To: <A HREF=""></A> CC: <A HREF=""></A> Chancery Clerk: I would like to request copies of all document which you provided to Sun Herald Newspaper. FY - 1996 through 2000 I also need what the cost is? Thank you, Steven A. McCaleb Subj: Request for documents of escrow account of Harrison County Supervisors Date: 2/14/01 11:11:22 AM Central Standard Time From: Mccaleb5thdist To:,,, CC:,, I would like to request the same documents you provided the Sun Herald Newspaper. FY - 1996 through 2000 STEVEN A. McCALEB 103 ALVERADO DRIVE LONG BEACH, MISSISSIPPI 39560 The statement said, "The taxpayers of Harrison County should know that two days after receiving (The Sun Herald's) request, (the newspaper) was provided a computer printout of all payments made from the escrow account for fiscal years 1996 through 2000, to date." Subj: Re: Request for documents of escrow account of Harrison County Supervisors Date: 2/14/01 4:56:58 PM Central Standard Time From: (cheryl) To: Records which are a matter of public record can be obtained through the Chancery Clerk's office. You need to fill out a Request for Public Records. It does cost to reproduce these records, therefore, there is a charge you will have to pay to obtain them. - Attachment Filename: C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\Request all documents provided to the Sun Herald Newspaper\Part.001 - Attachment Filename: C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\Request all documents provided to the Sun Herald Newspaper\Mime.822