Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003
From: "Citizens Concerns" <> BC: Governor Musgrove Created: 8/1/2000 12:00 PM Subject: URGENT: WE MUST TAKE STRONG ACTION, NOW ! Message: URGENT: WE MUST TAKE STRONG ACTION, NOW ! Dear Honorable Legislator , Japan keeps on WHALING DESPITE U.S. OPPOSITION ! Japan has sent six government owned whaling ships to kill Sperm and Bryde's whales for the first time as well as Minke whales it has been killing for years. (please see Reference # 1 ). The Japanese killing of great whales is similar to its aggression in World War II invading many of the peaceful countries and killing millions of people including China and the United States. The action of the Japanese whaling fleet seems to be similar to the behavior of Japanese warlords in its history ! Japan has been killing minke whales nearly 600 each year. Japan gave up commercial whaling in compliance with an international moratorium in 1986 but has engaged in whaling since 1987. They never had the intent to stop killing great whales ! The world has been concentrating on other issues "trade", "commercial" especially and completely ignored Japanese's aggression on the whales. Sure enough, year after year indulgence, it had made Japan progressively killing more and bigger whales . Especially the United States as the leader of the entire world has been showing weak and soft policies like a "paper tiger" on this very disturbing and serious issue. Please let's all urge President Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright for the following serious urgent requests : 1: Impose TRADE SANCTIONS against Japanese Whaling activity immediately without any compromise. 2: Urgently send aircraft carrier to the Northwestern Pacific to stop Japanese whaling fleets aggression and killing on whales. Because there is no international police to supervise high sea illegal activities. To send an aircraft carrier is very urgent and necessary for such magnitude of large scale pirate whaling. 3: Hold a Conference with all the anti-whaling country's leaders to form an ANTI-WHALING COMMISSION to protect whales in the world once for all : Within the Anti-Whaling Commission it will have many economic benefits each other and encourage Whale Watching business which is a much bigger and humane business than killing the whales for food. Anti-Whaling Commission must have policing power , for example some anti-whaling ships to counter IWC's illegal activities and its biased new law (so called Revised Management Scheme) to allow Japan, Norway, Iceland, Denmark etc to continue to kill whales . The anti-whaling ships can be donated from different country's navy and be maintained by environmental groups , for example Sea Shepherd Conservation Society etc.....who has numerous high sea experience to counter the illegal whaling ships. President Clinton's contact information is as follows : Tel: 202-456-1414 (in USA) Fax: 202-456-2461 (in USA) Address: The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 ------------------------------------------------------------ The contact information for Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is as follows , please click the following : EMAIL : You may also FAX or write to the Secretary of State : Fax: 202-261-8577 (in U.S.A.) Address: The Honorable Secretary of State Albright, U.S. Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 We are grateful to you for your urgent action to defend for world's largest mammals and the most helpless ones. Your immediate attention and action will make a huge differences. Please listen to the whales plea......... (Please click Reference # 2 below, watch and listen...). Whale's fate is in our hands now. It is the time to speak and act for them very urgently and decisively . Very Truly Yours, J. Zehringer, G. Smith, M. Shreiber, B. Altenbach, L. Thibidore, N. Wong, J. Fuduccia. (We are all US concerned citizens.) P.S.: References list : 1: Please click the following to get all the news on Japanese WHALING : 2: Great whales, Mother and Calf talking in love, grace and peace. Please click this, WATCH, and LISTEN to their plea : ATTACHMENT : MINKE WHALE IS DYING SLOWLY IN EXCRUCIATING PAIN... (Typically, Japanese shoot minke whales's stomach .......) - Attachment Filename: C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\URGENT_ WE MUST TAKE STRONG ACTION, NOW !\minke is dying.jpg - Attachment Filename: C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\URGENT_ WE MUST TAKE STRONG ACTION, NOW !\Mime.822