Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003

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From: 		Carol A. Torres <>
To: 		Governor Musgrove
Created: 	6/8/2001 11:09 AM
Subject: 	Comments to the Governor

Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted by
Carol A. Torres ( on Friday, June 8, 2001 at 11:09:00

Issue: children

Street_Address: 600 Hampshire Drive

City: North Brunswick

State: NJ

Zip_Code: 08902

Message: Dear Governor Musgrove:

I am prompted to write this letter as the result of reading Dr. Phillip Mc Graw's book, Life Strategies.Several years ago I took an "accountability" course.  After completing this "life" course, it was my opinion that it should be given to all grade school children.  After 15 years and Dr. Mc Graw's book I am more convinced than ever that I was on the right track. This is where you come in.  Think about it, our children come into this world full of love.  The are open, honest, giving, caring human beings.  Thanks to "us" their family and peers, this positive attitude changes.  NO matter how many videos or children's shows available to teach love and understanding, there is always an adult or peer making ethnic slurs, or being critical and judgemental. Who can be crueler than children.  In school, groups of children go against one child because he/she is different, not as pretty, not from the right side of town.  These children become the outcasts.  Was it not after the first!
 several school shootings that the media reported and classified the shooters as the children who were teased, the outcasts?  These children sought revenge through violence.  The purpose of my letter is not to hone in on violence in schools, but to get the message that our children need to be accountability, and to have good healthy self-esteem.  Please help.  Wo need to get this message to our children.  We all have value.  I believe we can do this through our school system.  Along with the 3 R's we need a course aim at educating our children on values.  Some may be getting the message from their parents, etc. but a lot of children are not.  Family and faculty as well should be involved in the course.  There are countless courses and books available for adults dealing with this subject.  We need to start this type of positive behavior in our children before adulthood.  

I look forward to your timely response.


Carol A. Torres

submit: submit


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