Citizens' Council Forum Films Collection, 1955-1966

The first Citizens' Council was formed in 1954 in Indianola, Mississippi, to resist integration. By March 1955, 167 Citizens' Councils were reported in Mississippi; these were loosely affiliated into a state organization. In 1955, the state organization began producing fifteen-minute weekly films under the name Citizens' Council Forum Films. These films consisted of interviews by producer Dick Morphew with American and foreign conservatives and were shown on local television stations throughout the country. The programs were created to persuade public opinion regarding two main issues: integration and communism. Some of the films in this collection were not produced by the Citizens' Council Forum Films, but by similar groups. Contained in the collection are 132 reels of film, approximately 90,000 feet.

Filename Description Representative Armistead Selden (D-AL) discusses communism in Latin America. 'Mr. Edward Hunter, Chairman of Anti-Communist Liaison and editor/publisher of "'Tactics"', discusses the Warren Commission Report and aspects of the death of President Kennedy.' '"'Jackson, Crossroads of the South"', a documentary about Jackson made sometime during the 1950"'s. Promotional film made to attract industry and people to Jackson. Footage of various schools, parks, buildings and businesses in Jackson and central Mississippi.' Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC) discusses communist involvememt in the civil rights movement. 'Carleton Putnam, author of "'Race and Reason"', discusses the race question in Rhodesia and hereditary traits of blacks.' Edward Hunter, chairmen of Anti-Communist Liaison, discusses anti-Vietnam war demonstrations in Washington, D. C. 'Edward Hunter, chairmen of Anti-Communist Liaison, discusses "'news management"' by communist sympathizers.' 'Carleton Putnam, author of "'Race and Reason"', discusses the situation in Rhodesia.' Edward Hunter, chairman of Anti-Communist Liaison, discusses tactics of the communists in the United States. Representative Armistead Selden (D-AL) discusses communism in Latin America and the roles of the United States and Cuba in Latin America. Senator Strom Thurmond (D-SC) discusses attempts to change Senate seniority rules. Mr. Edward Hunter, chairman of Anti-Communist Liaison, discusses Anti-Vietnam war protest, and the communist involvement in the protests. '"'Citizens"' Council School #1"', contains 142"' of edited footage followed by a 12"' leader and the rest of the film is unedited. All of the film on this reel is about the first Citizens"' Council School in Mississippi.' 'Senator John C. Stennis (D-MS) discusses his reaction to the Federal Government"'s take over of state powers.' Senator John C. Stennis (D-MS) discusses the muzzling of the military. 'Representative Arthur Winstead (D-MS) and Reverend D. F. B. DeBeer, Public Morals Officer of the Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa, discuss the policy of apartheid in South Africa and the Americans"' misconceptions about apartheid.' 'Dr. Robert Gayre (Anthroplogist), Edinborough, Scotland, and editor of the journal, "'Mankind Quarterly"', discusses racial differences between blacks and caucasions.' 'Carleton Putnam, author of "'Race and Reason"', and Dr. W. C. George, author of The Biology of the Race Problem""' John Synon (political analyist) discusses the 1963 Civil Rights Act. Representative Glenn Andrews (R-Al) discusses Section 14B of the Taft Hartly Act which is the right of the states to have right to work laws. Footage of the 7th Annual Meeting of the Citizens Council. Speeches by Lt. Governor Paul B. Johnson and William J. Simmons. Both speak on race relations in the state of Mississippi. Senator John Tower (R-TX) discusses what conservatism means and how it relates to the 1960s. (Same footage as part one on reel 106) Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC) discusses race conflicts in the North and communist infiltration of the race movement. 'Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC) discusses his opinion about the United States"' foreign aid program.' 'Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC) discusses what he believes to be the two most important issues before the Congress: the civil rights proposals and the overturning of the Supreme Court"'s decision on school prayer.' 'Representative C. Fisher (D-TX), Representative William Bray (R-IN), and Representative Arthur Winstead (D-MS) discuss the Federal Government"'s take over of power from State Governments.' Mr. Edward Hunter, chairman of Anti-Communist Liaison, and Strom Thurmond (R-SC) discuss communist stratagy in the United States and how the United States can win the Cold War. Mr. Edward Hunter, chairman of the Anti-Communist Liaison, discusses brainwashing as it is happening to the United States now; he also discusses how the Anti-Communist Liaison was founded.