
Map of the lands in Mississippi ceded by the Chickasaws to the United States in 1832 and 1834. From actual survey by Henry M. Lusher, draughtsman in the Office of the Surveyor Genl. of lands in Missis: ceded by the Chickasaws. Approved, John Bell, surveyor of lands in Missis: ceded by the Chickasaws. Benja. Reynold, Chickasaw agent, copy 2, attached to 9 x 13 cm. gilded leather binding entitled: "Chickasaw Lands in Mississippi." Includes handwritten identifications.
Catalog Record


  • Description: Map of the lands in Mississippi ceded by the Chickasaws to the United States in 1832 and 1834. From actual survey by Henry M. Lusher, draughtsman in the Office of the Surveyor Genl. of lands in Missis: ceded by the Chickasaws. Approved, John Bell, surveyor of lands in Missis: ceded by the Chickasaws. Benja. Reynold, Chickasaw agent, copy 2, attached to 9 x 13 cm. gilded leather binding entitled: "Chickasaw Lands in Mississippi." Includes handwritten identifications.
  • Creator(s): Lusher, Henry M.
  • Contributor(s): Reynolds, Benjamin; Pendleton, John B.; Bell, John; United States Surveyor General
  • City/State: Mississippi
  • Country: United States
  • Date: 1835
  • Publisher: Boston : Pendleton's Lithography
  • Call Number: MA/92.0089(b)
  • Filename: 8152-map-01-c2.tif