
Geographical, statistical, and historical map of Mississippi /drawn by F. Lucas, Jr. engrav'd by Young & Delleker. From Carey & Lea's Complete historical, chronological, and geographical American atlas. 1826. no. 29.


  • Description: Geographical, statistical, and historical map of Mississippi /drawn by F. Lucas, Jr. engrav'd by Young & Delleker. From Carey & Lea's Complete historical, chronological, and geographical American atlas. 1826. no. 29.
  • Creator(s): Lucas, Fielding
  • Contributor(s): Lea, Isaac; Carey, Henry Charles; Delleker, George; Young, G. H.
  • City/State: Mississippi
  • Country: United States
  • Date: 1826
  • Call Number: MA/94.0016(b)
  • Filename: 13921-map-01.tif