
"MFB Officials. New Officers of the Mississippi Poultry Association are, from left, Joe Frank Sanderson Jr., chairman of the board, Laurel; Tam Etheridge, vice chairman of the board, Carthage; Johnnie K. Jordan, treasurer, Carthage; and J. E. Shipp, president, Jackson. The new officers were announced during MPA's annual convention recently in Biloxi." Group photograph.


  • Series: 4
  • Image: 1712
  • Description: "MFB Officials. New Officers of the Mississippi Poultry Association are, from left, Joe Frank Sanderson Jr., chairman of the board, Laurel; Tam Etheridge, vice chairman of the board, Carthage; Johnnie K. Jordan, treasurer, Carthage; and J. E. Shipp, president, Jackson. The new officers were announced during MPA's annual convention recently in Biloxi." Group photograph.
  • Date: 1984
  • City/State: Biloxi, Mississippi
  • County: Harrison County
  • Call Number: PI/2010.0002/Series IV
  • Filename: 112585-photo.tif