
"Promotional. L to R: Linda Powers, 2nd prize; Bobbie Jerome, winner; Lucille Farris, 3rd prize. On Farm-City Festival Day, April 30, the members of the Women's Committee sponsored a market basket program at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store. Ten shoppers participated in the program. The first place winner received aid in paying for her groceries. Farm Bureau paid full price for all food items, half price for empty calorie food items, nothing for non-food items, and the shopper paid the taxes. Second place winner won a 10 lb. bag of sugar & third place winner won a 3 lb canned ham. Farm Bureau making the average shopper aware of other costs besides food items." Group photograph of winners.


  • Series: 4
  • Image: 2146
  • Description: "Promotional. L to R: Linda Powers, 2nd prize; Bobbie Jerome, winner; Lucille Farris, 3rd prize. On Farm-City Festival Day, April 30, the members of the Women's Committee sponsored a market basket program at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store. Ten shoppers participated in the program. The first place winner received aid in paying for her groceries. Farm Bureau paid full price for all food items, half price for empty calorie food items, nothing for non-food items, and the shopper paid the taxes. Second place winner won a 10 lb. bag of sugar & third place winner won a 3 lb canned ham. Farm Bureau making the average shopper aware of other costs besides food items." Group photograph of winners.
  • Date: 19xx
  • Call Number: PI/2010.0002/Series IV
  • Filename: 113115-photo.tif