
"MFB to Jan. 1970. Officers to head the Mississippi Seedmen's Association in 1969, elected during the recent 24th annual MSA meeting at the Buena Vista Hotel in Biloxi are from left, Tommie Burchfield of Yazoo City, past president; S. R. (Doc) Evans of Greenwood, secretary-treasurer; Knox Loftin of Aberdeen, president, and Ed King of Columbus, vice-president." Group photograph.


  • Series: 7
  • Image: 507
  • Description: "MFB to Jan. 1970. Officers to head the Mississippi Seedmen's Association in 1969, elected during the recent 24th annual MSA meeting at the Buena Vista Hotel in Biloxi are from left, Tommie Burchfield of Yazoo City, past president; S. R. (Doc) Evans of Greenwood, secretary-treasurer; Knox Loftin of Aberdeen, president, and Ed King of Columbus, vice-president." Group photograph.
  • Date: 19xx
  • Call Number: PI/2010.0002/Series VII
  • Filename: 118756-photo.tif