
"MFB to Jan. 1970. Officers of the Mississippi Poultry Improvement Association elected during the recent MPIA Convention at the Buena Vista Hotel in Biloxi are from left, Joe Brown of Morton, vice president; Raymond Wann of Jackson, president; W. A. Clements of Jackson, immediate past president; Fred Gaddis of Forest, treasurer, and Paul Yount of State College, executive secretary." Group photograph.


  • Series: 7
  • Image: 512
  • Description: "MFB to Jan. 1970. Officers of the Mississippi Poultry Improvement Association elected during the recent MPIA Convention at the Buena Vista Hotel in Biloxi are from left, Joe Brown of Morton, vice president; Raymond Wann of Jackson, president; W. A. Clements of Jackson, immediate past president; Fred Gaddis of Forest, treasurer, and Paul Yount of State College, executive secretary." Group photograph.
  • Date: 19xx
  • Call Number: PI/2010.0002/Series VII
  • Filename: 118761-photo.tif