
Dr. Howard Cleland, Pres. of Belhaven College, comments on future of private colleges in the state. Scene changes to Dr. Arthur Guyton talking about the expansion of the Univ. Medical Ctr. Scene changes to weather school. Scene changes to report on a Rumor Center which was established due to public school changes during school desegregation. Additional: College Presidents, Hospitals, Colleges and Universities.
Catalog Record

MP_198001_D246_0401_ref.mov is limited to viewing only in the William F. Winter Archives and History Building due to copyright or other restrictions.


  • Event: Cleland/Guyton/Rumor Center
  • Date: 01/19/70
  • Description: Dr. Howard Cleland, Pres. of Belhaven College, comments on future of private colleges in the state. Scene changes to Dr. Arthur Guyton talking about the expansion of the Univ. Medical Ctr. Scene changes to weather school. Scene changes to report on a Rumor Center which was established due to public school changes during school desegregation. Additional: College Presidents, Hospitals, Colleges and Universities.
  • Catalog: Catalog Record
  • Filename: MP_198001_D246_0401_ref.mov