
Sen. James O. Eastland addresses Jackson Chamber of Commerce. Russ Johnson announces construction of new Holiday Inn. More footage of Eastland. Scene changes to Secretary of the Navy, John Chaffee, talking to newsmen. Scene changes to silent footage of Junior Miss of Jackson contest. City Council meeting report. Silent footage of car trunk containing liquor. Scene changes to Kenneth Grant addressing convention of Miss. Assoc. of Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners. Scene changes to interview with German exchange student, Claudia Kipp. Additional: Hotels, Exchange Students
Catalog Record

MP_198001_D308_1025_ref.mov is limited to viewing only in the William F. Winter Archives and History Building due to copyright or other restrictions.


  • Event: Eastland/Johnson/Chaffee and others
  • Date: 12/01/70
  • Description: Sen. James O. Eastland addresses Jackson Chamber of Commerce. Russ Johnson announces construction of new Holiday Inn. More footage of Eastland. Scene changes to Secretary of the Navy, John Chaffee, talking to newsmen. Scene changes to silent footage of Junior Miss of Jackson contest. City Council meeting report. Silent footage of car trunk containing liquor. Scene changes to Kenneth Grant addressing convention of Miss. Assoc. of Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners. Scene changes to interview with German exchange student, Claudia Kipp. Additional: Hotels, Exchange Students
  • Catalog: Catalog Record
  • Filename: MP_198001_D308_1025_ref.mov