
Meeting with Tom Hederman, Chairman of Jackson Chamber of Commerce's Industrial Distribution Division, C.B. Ryan, President of Jackson Chamber of Commerce and Dr. Kenneth Wagner, Director of Miss. Research and Development Ctr. Meeting concerns Jackson Industrial Study conducted by the Research and Development Ctr. for the Chamber of Commerce. Additional: Industry
Catalog Record

MP_198001_F3055_3984_ref.mov is limited to viewing only in the William F. Winter Archives and History Building due to copyright or other restrictions.


  • Event: Chamber of Commerce
  • Date: 03/12/69
  • Description: Meeting with Tom Hederman, Chairman of Jackson Chamber of Commerce's Industrial Distribution Division, C.B. Ryan, President of Jackson Chamber of Commerce and Dr. Kenneth Wagner, Director of Miss. Research and Development Ctr. Meeting concerns Jackson Industrial Study conducted by the Research and Development Ctr. for the Chamber of Commerce. Additional: Industry
  • Catalog: Catalog Record
  • Filename: MP_198001_F3055_3984_ref.mov