
*Courtroom scenes. (possibly Clennon King Circuit Court Sanity Hearing) Attorney Jess Brown shown seated at a table. Scene changes to room where Jackie Robinson and unidentified man sit at a table. (possibly a news conference) Robinson in town for NAACP meeting.

This collection is limited to use in the State Archives due to copyright or other restrictions.


  • Event: Brown/Henry/Robinson
  • Date: 00/00/1958
  • Description: *Courtroom scenes. (possibly Clennon King Circuit Court Sanity Hearing) Attorney Jess Brown shown seated at a table. Scene changes to room where Jackie Robinson and unidentified man sit at a table. (possibly a news conference) Robinson in town for NAACP meeting.
  • Catalog: Catalog Record
  • Filename: MP_198001_D17_0855_ref.mov