Ground-breaking ceremony for Miss. Research and Development Ctr. Gov. Paul B. Johnson, members of the Research and Development Council, college presidents, architects and builders are present.
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Ground-breaking ceremony for Miss. Research and Development Ctr. Gov. Paul B. Johnson, members of the Research and Development Council, college presidents, architects and builders are present.
MP_198001_F2560_3508_ref.mov is limited to viewing only in the William F. Winter Archives and History Building due to copyright or other restrictions.
- Event: Groundbreaking for R & D Ctr.
- Date: 08/04/67
- Description: Ground-breaking ceremony for Miss. Research and Development Ctr. Gov. Paul B. Johnson, members of the Research and Development Council, college presidents, architects and builders are present.
- Catalog: Catalog Record
- Filename: MP_198001_F2560_3508_ref.mov