
*Possibly Robert Stenson reporting of beating he received by a policeman. Black youth talks of brutal treatment from policeman. Speaker from Miss. Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) asks for support for upcoming demonstration. Annie Devine speaks of police brutality, support to MFDP, free elections and a proposed march to Capitol. Ken Dean, Dir. of Miss. Council on Human Relations, talks of rights of free press and protest.
Catalog Record

MP_198001_D32_0148_ref.mov is limited to viewing only in the William F. Winter Archives and History Building due to copyright or other restrictions.


  • Event: Miss. Freedom Democratic Party
  • Date: 06/06/65
  • Description: *Possibly Robert Stenson reporting of beating he received by a policeman. Black youth talks of brutal treatment from policeman. Speaker from Miss. Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) asks for support for upcoming demonstration. Annie Devine speaks of police brutality, support to MFDP, free elections and a proposed march to Capitol. Ken Dean, Dir. of Miss. Council on Human Relations, talks of rights of free press and protest.
  • Catalog: Catalog Record
  • Filename: MP_198001_D32_0148_ref.mov