Rosemary Clooney
News conference with singer Rosemary Clooney. Clooney is in Jackson for the Miss. State Fair. Additional: Entertainers
Cecil Price, Alton Wayne Roberts
*Neshoba County Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price and Alton Wayne Roberts arrive at Hinds County jail under federal escort after being convicted on federal conspiracy charges in the 1964 murders of civil rights workers. Killed were Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney. Cameraman Jim Lucas is shown after being injured from confrontation with federal marshall. Additional: Murders
Cecil Price, Alton Wayne Roberts
*Neshoba County Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price and Alton Wayne Roberts at Federal Building in Jackson. Both men were convicted in the conspiracy trial for the 1964 murders of three civil rights workers. Killed were Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney. Additional: Murders
Hospitality Regatta
Hospitality Regatta. (possibly sponsored by the Jackson Yacht Club)
City Council, Ambulance Service
City Council meeting. Mayor Allen C. Thompson and Commissioners Derwood Boyles and Clark Horton comment on ambulance service for the city. Additional: Emergency Medical Services
Richard Barrett, U.N. Flag Burning
Vietnam Veteran Richard Barrett participates in burning of United Nations flag outside Capitol Building. Additional: Demonstrations
Williams, News Conference
John Bell Williams, Democratic candidate for Governor, holds news conference at Veterans Administration Hospital where he is receiving medical treatment for leg injury. Williams talks about his campaign. Additional: Election Campaigns
Williams News Conference
John Bell Williams, Democratic candidate for Governor, holds news conference at Veterans Administration Hospital where he is receiving medical treatment for leg injury. Williams talks about his campaign. Additional: Election Campaigns
Thompson, Street Improvement
Mayor Allen C. Thompson talks about street improvement program. Additional: Highways, Highway Construction, Pearl-Pascagoula Interchange
Rubel Phillips
Rubel Phillips, Republican Party candidate for Governor, talks about the campaign. Additional: Election Campaigns
Commissioner Derwood Boyles
City Commissioner Derwood Boyles talks about street improvement program. Additional: Highway Construction, Highways
Alvin Bronstein
*Alvin Bronstein, of Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee, announces that he will file appeal papers in regard to federal court ruling which denies a request that it put 16 independent candidates in the Miss. general election ballot. Most of the candidates are black and were disqualified by county election commissions. Additional: Election Laws
Lawrence Guyot
*Lawrence Guyot, Chairman of Miss. Freedom Democratic Party, endorses Republican Party candidate Rubel Phillips for Governor. Additional: Election Campaigns
City Council, Street Improvements
City Council meeting. Mayor Allen C. Thompson and Commissioners Derwood Boyles and Clark Horton talk about bond issue for street improvement program. Additional: Highway Construction, Highways
Winthrop Rockefeller
Corinth, Miss. Fund-raising dinner for Rubel Phillips, Republican candidate for Governor. Arrival of Arkansas Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller who is supporting Phillips in his campaign. Additional: Election Campaigns
American Legion, William Galbraith
News conference with American Legion National Commander William Galbraith. Talks about Vietnam War.
George Weyerhaeuser
Lt. Gov.-elect Charles L. Sullivan introduces George Weyerhaeuser as the principal speaker at Miss. Forestry Assoc. banquet. Weyerhaeuser is president of Weyerhaeuser Co. -- a lumber and wood products manufacturing firm.
William B. Johnson
William B. Johnson, President of Illinois Central Railroad, talks about forestry industry.
Neshoba County Convictions
*Defendants at federal courthouse in Jackson for conspiracy trial for the 1964 murders of three civil rights workers. Killed were Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney. Additional: Murders
Rubel Phillips
Rubel Phillips, Republican Party candidate for Governor, addresses meeting of Jackson Jaycees.
Fire, Atlantic Ice Co.
Fire at Atlantic Ice Co. on South Street. Additional: Fires
Rubel Phillips, Voting
Rubel Phillips, Republican Party candidate for Governor, is at Barber Shop getting a haircut. Scene changes to Phillips and his wife arriving at poll to vote in general election.
John Bell Williams, Voting
Raymond, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell Williams arrive at polls to vote in general election.
Fire, Atlantic Ice Co.
Day after fire at Atlantic Ice Co. on South Street. Additional: Fires
Chamber of Commerce
New officers of Jackson Chamber of Commerce. Richard McRae, President; C.B. Ryan, President-elect; Minor Summers, Vice-President; Henry Hederman, Senior Vice-President and Les Wilkinson, Treasurer.
Veterans Day
War Memorial Building. Ceremony for Veterans Day. Lt. Gov.-elect Charles L. Sullivan is speaker. Additional: Holidays
Alex Waites
*News conference with Alex Waites of the NAACP.
Baptist Convention
Baptist Convention at First Baptist Church.
Clarke Reed
News conference with Clarke Reed, Miss. Republican Party Chairman.
Junior Achievement
Various activities at the Junior Achievement Building.