WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_D366_1410_ref.mov ICRR Freight Depot Fire Footage of fire at freight depot of Illinois Central Railroad. Commissioner Ed Cates is interviewed at the scene of the fire. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_D367_1411_ref.mov Traffic Accident Footage of car involved in traffic accident. Additional: Traffic Accidents
MP_198001_D367_1412_ref.mov Miss. Economic Council Luncheon Footage of annual meeting of Miss. Economic Council. Douglas Edwards, of CBS News in New York, is featured speaker at the luncheon. Discusses the state's image.
MP_198001_D367_1413_ref.mov ICRR Freight Depot Fire Footage showing fire of Illinois Central Railroad Freight Depot. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_D367_1414_ref.mov Wade McKoy Wade McKoy, Assist. Dir. of Miss. Research and Development Ctr., is interviewed concerning the port at Gulfport, Miss. Additional: Miss. Gulf Coast
MP_198001_D367_1415_ref.mov Track Meet/Archie Manning Silent footage of track meet. Scene changes to interview with Archie Manning. Additional: Sports Events, Athletes
MP_198001_D368_1416_ref.mov Bill Minor Silent footage of unidentified men. Editor Bill Minor talks about the role of the local newspaper in helping the state's image. Additional: Newspapers
MP_198001_D368_1417_ref.mov Church Service Footage of unidentified church service.
MP_198001_D368_1418_ref.mov Fire Smouldering rubble from fire which destroyed Superior Storage and Transfer Co. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_D368_1419_ref.mov Miss. Dept. of Archives and History Miss. Dept. of Archives and History building.
MP_198001_D368_1420_ref.mov Archie Manning Archie Manning is interviewed. Additional: Athletes
MP_198001_D368_1421_ref.mov Taxes Unidentified man discusses taxes in foreign countries.
MP_198001_D368_1422_ref.mov Golfers Interviewed Actors are interviewed concerning golf tournament. Additional: Sports Events
MP_198001_D369_1423_ref.mov Charles Griffin/Legal Aid Services Congressman Charles Griffin addresses West Jackson Civitan Club concerning revenue sharing. Silent footage of legal aid offices. More footage of Griffin.
MP_198001_D369_1424_ref.mov Jackson's Salute to McComb Festivities of Jackson's salute to McComb, Miss.
MP_198001_D369_1425_ref.mov Police Report Cliff Bingham provides weekly police report. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_D369_1426_ref.mov Golf Tournament Footage of golf tournament. Additional: Sports Events
MP_198001_D370_1427_ref.mov City Council Meeting City Council meeting. Mayor Russell Davis congratulates Jackson Fire Dept. for it's work during major fire recently.
MP_198001_D370_1428_ref.mov Montgomery/Hall/Track Meet/Dole Congressman G.V. Montgomery addresses Civitan Club. Scene changes to interview with Dr. Wesley Hall, President of American Medical Assoc. Silent footage of apartment unit which had been on fire. Silent footage of old auditorium site which is under construction. This is footage from 'People, Places and Things Report.' Silent footage of track meet. More footage of Montgomery. Footage of Republican Party workshop with Sen. Robert Dole. (sound and silent) More footage of Hall. Additional: Sports Events, Fires
MP_198001_D37_0171_ref.mov Candlestick Park Tornado Candlestick Park Shopping Ctr. Reporter describes tornado damage. People search through debris for victims. Overturned cars, leveled buildings. Sign 'Prescriptions' hangs from damaged building. Crystal Springs Rescue Unit vehicle. Some aerial footage. Lt. Gov. Carroll Gartin discusses Civil Defense Agency. Additional: Tornadoes.
MP_198001_D371_1429_ref.mov Davis/Welfare Dept. Computers News conference with Mayor Russell Davis. Silent footage of computers at Welfare Dept. Silent footage of house and welfare recipients. Unidentified man talks about computers for Welfare Dept. More footage of computers. More footage of Davis news conference. Additional: Data Processing
MP_198001_D371_1430_ref.mov Construction Equipment Footage of construction site. This is a 'People, Places and Things Report.'
MP_198001_D371_1431_ref.mov Golf Tournament Report on golf tournament. Additional: Sports Events
MP_198001_D372_1432_ref.mov MTRD/Reachout/Taxes/PPT Meeting of Miss. Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Assoc. (MTRD). Footage of Reachout '71 Program at Municipal Auditorium. Tax office shown. Footage of baseball field in Jackson. This is a 'People, Places and Things Report.'
MP_198001_D373_1433_ref.mov Loyalist Democratic Convention *Scenes from Loyalist Democratic Convention. Participants include Fannie Lou Hamer, Charles Evers, Theodore Sorenson and Oscar Carr. Scene changes to Roy Wilkins, Executive Sec. of NAACP, addressing group of students and faculty members at Jackson State College.
MP_198001_D373_1434_ref.mov Mrs. Pat Darien *Mrs. Pat Darien is interviewed concerning Charles Evers running for Governor. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_D373_1435_ref.mov Miss. Highway Patrol Employment *Report on case pending in Federal court concerning two blacks who wanted to join Miss. Highway Patrol. Additional: Employment Opportunities, Discrimination
MP_198001_D374_1436_ref.mov Roy Wilkins/Loyalist Democrats *Roy Wilkins, Executive Secretary of NAACP, addresses group of students and faculty members at Jackson State College. Scene changes to Loyalist Democratic Convention. More footage of Wilkins. Additional: Loyalist Democratic Party