WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F1372_2447_ref.mov Congressman William Colmer Congressman William Colmer.
MP_198001_F1372_2448_ref.mov Miss. Senate on Reapportionment Members of Miss. Senate discuss reapportionment issue.
MP_198001_F1398_2449_ref.mov Frank Jones Airplane Crash Scene of airplane crash. Body of Frank Jones, Chief Criminal Deputy of Hinds County, is carried away from crash scene. Additional: Airplane Crashes
MP_198001_F1398_2450_ref.mov Babe McCarthy, Dean Ehlers Babe McCarthy, basketball coach at Miss. State Univ., and Dean Ehlers, basketball coach at Memphis State.
MP_198001_F1398_2451_ref.mov Pearl River Reservoir Tour Legislators tour Pearl River Reservoir. Additional: Barnett Reservoir
MP_198001_F1398_2452_ref.mov Rubel Phillips Rubel Phillips announces his candidacy for Governor. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F1398_2453_ref.mov Rubel Phillips News conference with Rubel Phillips concerning his candidacy for Governor. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F1398_2454_ref.mov Vickers, Inc. Robbery James W. Causey, Homer Lee Young and Anthony Whitehead are arrested for robbery of blueprints from Vickers, Inc. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_F1398_2455_ref.mov B. Shuttleworth/Christmas Parade Bill Shuttleworth, Deputy Sheriff of Hinds County. Scene changes to Christmas Parade. Additional: Holidays, Law Enforcement Officials
MP_198001_F1398_2456_ref.mov Barnett, Army Buildings *Gov. Ross Barnett comments on Army structures being built at the Univ. of Miss. Additional: U.S. Army
MP_198001_F1398_2457_ref.mov Miss. Game and Fish Commission Trucks of Miss. Game and Fish Commission are parked at fairgrounds. Reporter Cliff Bingham shown.
MP_198001_F1398_2458_ref.mov J.B. Bell Hinds County Justice of the Peace, J.B. Bell.
MP_198001_F1398_2459_ref.mov Homer Edgeworth Justice of the Peace Homer Edgeworth.
MP_198001_F1398_2460_ref.mov Barnett, Tenn.-Tombigbee Gov. Ross Barnett at meeting of Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Development Authority.
MP_198001_F1398_2461_ref.mov Candidates Qualifying J.B. Bell, Russell Sullivan, Homer Edgeworth and Dalton Bailey qualify as candidates for 1963 election. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F1398_2462_ref.mov Gilbert Dorland Gilbert Dorland, Vice-Chairman of Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Development Authority, attends meeting in Jackson.
MP_198001_F1398_2463_ref.mov Chamber of Commerce Jackson Chamber of Commerce sponsors 'Jackson's Salute to Industry' at the coliseum.
MP_198001_F1398_2464_ref.mov George Wallace Inauguration Montgomery, Alabama. Inauguration of George Wallace as Governor of Alabama.
MP_198001_F1398_2465_ref.mov Soil Conservation Meeting Gov. Ross Barnett attends Miss. Soil Conservation Districts meeting.
MP_198001_F1398_2466_ref.mov Sheriffs Meeting Possibly meeting of Miss. Sheriffs Assoc. Additional: Law Enforcement Officials
MP_198001_F1398_2467_ref.mov Lunch at Governor's Mansion Luncheon at Governor's Mansion for news reporters. Gov. Ross Barnett is present.
MP_198001_F1398_2468_ref.mov Joe Ware Jackson Architect Joe Ware.
MP_198001_F1398_2469_ref.mov Jack Warren Jack Warren, Public Relations Director of Miss. Game and Fish Commission, attends meeting of Miss. Soil Conservation Districts.
MP_198001_F1398_2470_ref.mov V.W. Guy V.W. Guy, a Miss. Highway Dept. engineer, is presented certificates of commendation from Gov. Ross Barnett. Guy saved the lives of two persons in Florida last month.
MP_198001_F1398_2471_ref.mov Civil Defense Meeting Gov. Ross Barnett attends civil defense meeting.
MP_198001_F1398_2472_ref.mov Ralph Edwards for Cancer Crusade Television personality Ralph Edwards is interviewed by reporter Dick Sanders concerning American Crusade for Cancer. Additional: Medicine
MP_198001_F1398_2473_ref.mov Office Supply Co. Fire Office Supply Co. fire. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_F1398_2474_ref.mov Gov. Barnett Visits Harvard Univ. Gov. Ross Barnett visits Harvard Univ. Additional: Colleges and Universities