WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F1847_2818_ref.mov Hi-Y Conference State Hi-Y Conference. (Sponsored by Young Men's Christian Assoc., YMCA)
MP_198001_F1847_2819_ref.mov Train-Automobile Wreck Scene of train and automobile wreck at Presto Crossing. Four people killed. Additional: Traffic Accidents, Illinois Central Railroad
MP_198001_F1847_2820_ref.mov Christmas Decorations at Homes Christmas decorations at homes. Additional: Holidays
MP_198001_F1862_2821_ref.mov Christmas Decorations Christmas decorations at First National Bank, City Hall and shopping centers. Additional: Holidays
MP_198001_F1862_2822_ref.mov Robert Ezelle Reporter Dick Sanders interviews Robert Ezelle of the Jackson Chamber of Commerce.
MP_198001_F1862_2823_ref.mov Johnson on Congressional Seating New conference with Gov. Paul B. Johnson concerning seating of Miss. Congressional delegation.
MP_198001_F1862_2824_ref.mov Johnson Presents Safety Award Gov. Paul B. Johnson presents Miss. Safety Commission Award to Murray Sills, Chief of Police in Vicksburg.
MP_198001_F1862_2825_ref.mov Federal Grand Jury *Federal Building after federal grand jury hear evidence against the 21 arrested for the murder of three civil rights workers in Neshoba County -- Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney. Additional: Murders
MP_198001_F1862_2826_ref.mov Sen. Hayden Campbell State Sen. Hayden Campbell talks about federal control of public schools. Additional: School Integration
MP_198001_F1862_2827_ref.mov Fred Pickett Fred Pickett of the Hinds County Sheriff's Office. Additional: Law Enforcement Officials
MP_198001_F1862_2828_ref.mov Whiskey Destroyed Illegal whiskey is destroyed at Hinds County Courthouse. Additional: Liquor
MP_198001_F1862_2829_ref.mov Republican Party Meeting Republican Party meeting concerning municipal elections. Robert Steward is speaker.
MP_198001_F1862_2830_ref.mov Miss. Power Co./Pete Fountain Gov. Paul B. Johnson addresses Miss. Power Co. dinner at Gulfport, Miss.(silent) Scene changes to interview with New Orleans Musician Pete Fountain. (Jan. 22nd) Additional: Entertainers
MP_198001_F1862_2831_ref.mov Miss. Power Company Miss. Power Co. in Gulfport.
MP_198001_F1862_2832_ref.mov Harrison County Industrial Seaway Harrison County Industrial Seaway. Additional: Industry
MP_198001_F1862_2833_ref.mov Charles Evers *Charles Evers, Rev. R.L.T. Smith and others at church and walking to courthouse.
MP_198001_F1862_2834_ref.mov Frank Smith *Frank Smith, Director of Tennessee Valley Authority and former Miss. Congressman talks about his upcoming speech to the Miss. Council on Human Relations.
MP_198001_F1862_2835_ref.mov Pearl River Reservoir Pearl River Reservoir. Additional: Barnett Reservoir
MP_198001_F1862_2836_ref.mov Pearl River Reservoir Pearl River Reservoir. Additional: Barnett Reservoir
MP_198001_F1881_2837_ref.mov Supervisors at Hinds Junior College Hinds County Supervisors tour Hinds Junior College. Additional: Colleges and Universities
MP_198001_F1881_2838_ref.mov MEC on Civil Rights Act *Spokesman from Miss. Economic Council, Balmer Hill, urges Mississippians to comply with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Additional: Civil Rights Legislation
MP_198001_F1881_2839_ref.mov Johnson on Civil Rights *Gov. Paul B. Johnson addresses regional meeting of Miss. Sheriffs Assoc. Johnson urges Mississippians to testify before U.S. Civil Rights Commission in order to improve the state's image..
MP_198001_F1881_2840_ref.mov Johnson on Civil Rights *Gov. Paul B. Johnson addresses regional meeting of Miss. Sheriffs Assoc. Johnson urges Mississippians to testify before U.S. Civil Rights Commission in order to improve the state's image.
MP_198001_F1881_2841_ref.mov Dr. John A. Hannah *Dr. John A. Hannah, President of Michigan State Univ. and Chairman of U.S. Civil Rights Commission, talks about upcoming hearings to be held in Jackson.
MP_198001_F1881_2842_ref.mov Dr. John A. Hannah *Dr. John A. Hannah, President of Michigan State Univ. and Chairman of U.S. Civil Rights Commission, talks about upcoming hearings to be held in Jackson.
MP_198001_F1881_2843_ref.mov Henry Holman, Jr. Henry Holman, Jr. receives 'Young Man of the Year Award' from Jackson Jaycees.
MP_198001_F1881_2844_ref.mov Dr. Robert Mayo Hinds Junior College. Dr. Robert Mayo is new college president. Additional: College Presidents
MP_198001_F1881_2845_ref.mov Sam Dale's Remains Moved The remains of frontiersman Sam Dale are removed from cemetary near Meridian to Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens on Highway 39.