WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F2260_3218_ref.mov William Schnitzler William Schnitzler, Secretary-Treasurer of AFL-CIO, addresses Third Bi-annual Miss. Labor meeting. Additional: Unions
MP_198001_F2260_3219_ref.mov William Schnitzler William Schnitzler, Secretary-Treasurer of AFL-CIO, addresses Third Bi-annual Miss. Labor meeting. Additional: Unions
MP_198001_F2260_3220_ref.mov Eastland, Magnolia Cross Camp Shelby. Sen. James O. Eastland is presented the Magnolia Cross, the state's highest non-combatant military award. Gov. Paul B. Johnson is present.
MP_198001_F2260_3221_ref.mov Eastland, Magnolia Cross Camp Shelby. Sen. James O. Eastland is presented the Magnolia Cross, the state's highest non-combatant military award. Gov. Paul B. Johnson and Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace are present.
MP_198001_F2274_3222_ref.mov Carolyn Anderson Carolyn Anderson is crowned Miss Hospitality of 1966.
MP_198001_F2274_3223_ref.mov Johnson News Conference News conference with Gov. Paul B. Johnson. Johnson urges citizens to vote. He talks about liquor in the state.
MP_198001_F2274_3224_ref.mov Demonstration About Swimming Pools *Demonstration in front of City Hall in protest of opening of swimming pools. Additional: Demonstrations
MP_198001_F2274_3225_ref.mov Eastland, Neshoba County Fair *Sen. James O. Eastland addresses audience at Neshoba County Fair. Discusses civil rights activities.
MP_198001_F2274_3226_ref.mov Eastland, Neshoba County Fair *Sen. James O. Eastland addresses audience at Neshoba County Fair. Discusses civil rights activities.
MP_198001_F2274_3227_ref.mov Barnett, Neshoba County Fair *Ross Barnett addresses audience at Neshoba County Fair. Discusses Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and civil rights activities in Chicago.
MP_198001_F2274_3228_ref.mov Barnett, Neshoba County Fair *Ross Barnett addresses audience at Neshoba County Fair. Discusses civil rights activities.
MP_198001_F2274_3229_ref.mov Winter, Neshoba County Fair State Treasurer William F. Winter addresses audience at Neshoba County Fair.
MP_198001_F2274_3230_ref.mov Winter, Neshoba County Fair State Treasurer William F. Winter addresses audience at Neshoba County Fair.
MP_198001_F2274_3231_ref.mov Neshoba County Fair Scenes from Neshoba County Fair.
MP_198001_F2274_3232_ref.mov Demonstration/Neshoba County Fair *Demonstration march in front of City Hall. (possibly in protest to opening of city swimming pools) Scene changes to Neshoba County Fair. Additional: Demonstrations
MP_198001_F2274_3233_ref.mov Gartin, Neshoba County Fair Lt. Gov. Carroll Gartin addresses audience at Neshoba County Fair. Talks about running for Governor next year.
MP_198001_F2274_3234_ref.mov Gartin, Neshoba County Fair Lt. Gov. Carroll Gartin addresses audience at Neshoba County Fair.
MP_198001_F2274_3235_ref.mov Johnson, Neshoba County Fair *Gov. Paul B. Johnson addresses audience at Neshoba County Fair. Talks about 'Black Power.'
MP_198001_F2274_3236_ref.mov Johnson, Neshoba County Fair *Gov. Paul B. Johnson addresses audience at Neshoba County Fair. Talks about 'Black Power.'
MP_198001_F2274_3237_ref.mov Heber Ladner, Neshoba County Fair *Secretary of State Heber Ladner addresses audience at Neshoba County Fair.
MP_198001_F2291_3238_ref.mov Gene Triggs, Neshoba County Fair Gene Triggs, of the Miss. Agricultural and Industrial Board, addresses audience at Neshoba County Fair.
MP_198001_F2291_3239_ref.mov Neshoba County Fair Scenes from Neshoba County Fair. State Sen. G.V. 'Sonny' Montgomery is shown.
MP_198001_F2291_3240_ref.mov Eastland, Miss. Fed. Co-operatives Sen. James O. Eastland addresses meeting of Miss. Federated Co-operatives regarding Vietnam War and Federal government.
MP_198001_F2291_3241_ref.mov Eastland, Miss. Fed. Co-operatives Sen. James O. Eastland addresses meeting of Miss. Federated Co-operatives regarding Federal government and Vietnam War.
MP_198001_F2291_3242_ref.mov Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. *Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. arrives at Jackson Municipal Airport. (silent) News conference with King concerning Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Convention. (sound and silent)
MP_198001_F2291_3243_ref.mov Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. *News conference with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. concerning Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Convention.
MP_198001_F2291_3244_ref.mov Aaron Henry *News conference with Aaron Henry, President of Miss. NAACP. Henry talks about the legalization of liquor being used by law enforcement officials to intimidate the black community.
MP_198001_F2291_3245_ref.mov Southern Christian Leadership Conf. *Convention of Southern Christian Leadership Conference. (SCLC) Rev. C.T. Vivian and Rev. Walter Fauntroy are speakers.