2020 Series 0034

Catalog Record

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Filename File_path Orig_filename
Upload - 24530.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/10 - October 2019/WFP/24530/ Upload - 24530.msg
40 Miss Admin Code Part 3 Rule 3 5 Paddlefish Permit Applications REPEALED 09-2019 FINAL.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/10 - October 2019/WFP/24531/ 40 Miss Admin Code Part 3 Rule 3 5 Paddlefish Permit Applications REPEALED 09-2019 FINAL.msg
40 Miss Admin Code Pt 3 Rule 3.5 Paddlefish Permit Applications REPEALED 09-2019 FINAL.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/10 - October 2019/WFP/24531/ 40 Miss Admin Code Pt 3 Rule 3.5 Paddlefish Permit Applications REPEALED 09-2019 FINAL.pdf
Form 001 - 24531.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/10 - October 2019/WFP/24531/ Form 001 - 24531.pdf
Upload - 24531.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/10 - October 2019/WFP/24531/ Upload - 24531.msg
2019 General and Procedural Rule Final MWCC.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/10 - October 2019/Workers Comp Commission/24495/ 2019 General and Procedural Rule Final MWCC.pdf
Final Submission MWCC Rule Changes 2019.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/10 - October 2019/Workers Comp Commission/24495/ Final Submission MWCC Rule Changes 2019.msg
Form 001 - 24495.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/10 - October 2019/Workers Comp Commission/24495/ Form 001 - 24495.pdf
Upload - 24495.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/10 - October 2019/Workers Comp Commission/24495/ Upload - 24495.msg
Form 001-002 - 24547.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24547/ Form 001-002 - 24547.pdf
form 003_intent_seed fee_nov2019.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24547/ form 003_intent_seed fee_nov2019.pdf
intent_text_seed fee reg_nov2019.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24547/ intent_text_seed fee reg_nov2019.pdf
MS Dept of Agriculture and Commerce--Seed Testing Regulations.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24547/ MS Dept of Agriculture and Commerce--Seed Testing Regulations.msg
Upload - 24547.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24547/ Upload - 24547.msg
final text_pest control tech_Rule 114_Dec2019.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24581/ final text_pest control tech_Rule 114_Dec2019.pdf
Form 001 - 24581.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24581/ Form 001 - 24581.pdf
MDAC--Final Filing for BPI pest control reg filing.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24581/ MDAC--Final Filing for BPI pest control reg filing.msg
Upload - 24581.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24581/ Upload - 24581.msg
final text_Rule 109_remove 3 years review_Dec2019.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24582/ final text_Rule 109_remove 3 years review_Dec2019.pdf
Form 001 - 24582.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24582/ Form 001 - 24582.pdf
MDAC--Final Filing for BPI pesticide regs.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24582/ MDAC--Final Filing for BPI pesticide regs.msg
Upload - 24582.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24582/ Upload - 24582.msg
finaltext_Rule119_windspeed_Dec2019.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24583/ finaltext_Rule119_windspeed_Dec2019.pdf
Form 001 - 24583.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24583/ Form 001 - 24583.pdf
MDAC--Final Filing for BPI regs for crop spraying.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24583/ MDAC--Final Filing for BPI regs for crop spraying.msg
Upload notice - 24583.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Ag and Commerce/24583/ Upload notice - 24583.msg
Form 001 - withdraw 23750.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Barber Board/24593/ Form 001 - withdraw 23750.pdf
Upload Notice - 24593.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/11 - November 2019/Barber Board/24593/ Upload Notice - 24593.msg