2020 Series 0034

Catalog Record

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Filename File_path Orig_filename
Upload - 24426.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24426/ Upload - 24426.msg
2019 STEM Applications Initial Filing.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24427/ 2019 STEM Applications Initial Filing.pdf
Form 001 - 24427.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24427/ Form 001 - 24427.pdf
Title 7 Part 90 - Proposed.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24427/ Title 7 Part 90 - Proposed.msg
Upload - 24427.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24427/ Upload - 24427.msg
Authorization to add date to Form 001.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24430/ Authorization to add date to Form 001.msg
Form 001 - 24430.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24430/ Form 001 - 24430.pdf
Rule 30.6 - Youth Detention Center 2019.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24430/ Rule 30.6 - Youth Detention Center 2019.pdf
Rule 30 6 Youth Detention Center New SOS APA Form.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24430/ Rule 30 6 Youth Detention Center New SOS APA Form.msg
Upload - 24430.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24430/ Upload - 24430.msg
APA submission - proposed new rule Education Scholarship Account.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24431/ APA submission - proposed new rule Education Scholarship Account.msg
ESA - - Rule 74.21 - Education Scholarship Account.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24431/ ESA - - Rule 74.21 - Education Scholarship Account.pdf
Form 001 - 24431.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24431/ Form 001 - 24431.pdf
PDF Form 001 with original signature.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24431/ PDF Form 001 with original signature.msg
Upload - 24431.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24431/ Upload - 24431.msg
Final Rule Part 4 Licensure Guidelines.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24440/ Final Rule Part 4 Licensure Guidelines.msg
Form 001 - 24440.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24440/ Form 001 - 24440.pdf
Part 4 Licensure Guidelines K12 July 2019 004.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24440/ Part 4 Licensure Guidelines K12 July 2019 (004).pdf
Upload - 24440.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Education/24440/ Upload - 24440.msg
2nd Filing - proposed amendments to Fire Personnel Min St and Cert Bd regulations.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Fire Personnel Board - Insurance/24432/ 2nd Filing - proposed amendments to Fire Personnel Min St and Cert Bd regulations.msg
Filing of proposed amendments to regulation - Fire Personnel Min St and Cert Board.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Fire Personnel Board - Insurance/24432/ Filing of proposed amendments to regulation - Fire Personnel Min St and Cert Board.msg
Fire Personnel MSCB 101 proposed - clean plus variance - 2019.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Fire Personnel Board - Insurance/24432/ Fire Personnel MSCB 101 (proposed - clean + variance) - 2019.pdf
Form 001-002 - 24432.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Fire Personnel Board - Insurance/24432/ Form 001-002 - 24432.pdf
Form 001-002 - agency renamed.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Fire Personnel Board - Insurance/24432/ Form 001-002 - agency renamed.pdf
Upload - 24432.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Fire Personnel Board - Insurance/24432/ Upload - 24432.msg
Upload for renamed agency Form 001-002.msg.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Fire Personnel Board - Insurance/24432/ Upload for renamed agency Form 001-002.msg
Form 001 - 24397.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Human Services/24397/ Form 001 - 24397.pdf
SNAP Manual clean to marked.pdf /MS Administrative Bulletin/2019/9 - September 2019/Human Services/24397/ SNAP Manual clean to marked.pdf