
Top: "Right: Hope Farm, Natchez, Adams County. The villa was built in 1774 by Don Carlos de Grand Pré, who was an early Spanish provincial governor. Job Routh acquired it in 1792 and later it was bought by Eli Montgomery in whose estate it remained until it became the property of Mrs. B. Miller, the present owner (1938). The construction is typically Spanish, simple and sturdy. The entrance was through an archway into a patio. Being built for utility, the lower floor was the carriage house, and barn housing all of the domestic animals, the living quarters being above. Below: Front and rear wings of Hope Villa." Bottom: "Right: 'Concord', Natchez, Adams County, was built in 1794 by Don Gayoso de Lemos, King's representative for the Spanish colony. The original building was two and one-half storied with wide gallery on every side. The lower floor was of brick while those above were wood frame construction, with great columns reaching from ground to the roof. It was almost completely destroyed by fire a few years ago (1938) and all that remains is the servant hall shown and ruins of the main house."
Catalog Record


  • Title: Pictorial History: Mississippi in Architecture, Assembled and Arranged by W.P.A. Historical Research Project
  • Description: Top: "Right: Hope Farm, Natchez, Adams County. The villa was built in 1774 by Don Carlos de Grand Pré, who was an early Spanish provincial governor. Job Routh acquired it in 1792 and later it was bought by Eli Montgomery in whose estate it remained until it became the property of Mrs. B. Miller, the present owner (1938). The construction is typically Spanish, simple and sturdy. The entrance was through an archway into a patio. Being built for utility, the lower floor was the carriage house, and barn housing all of the domestic animals, the living quarters being above. Below: Front and rear wings of Hope Villa." Bottom: "Right: 'Concord', Natchez, Adams County, was built in 1794 by Don Gayoso de Lemos, King's representative for the Spanish colony. The original building was two and one-half storied with wide gallery on every side. The lower floor was of brick while those above were wood frame construction, with great columns reaching from ground to the roof. It was almost completely destroyed by fire a few years ago (1938) and all that remains is the servant hall shown and ruins of the main house."
  • Call Number: Series 0443
  • Filename: 73473-sb3-07.tif