"To Dec. 1, 1962. The champion pen of five steers of the first Mississippi Stocker-Feeder Calf Show and Sale were these Herefords produced by Newman W. Morris (right) of Raymond, pictured with his son, Marve who helps him with his cattle operation." Men with cattle.
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"To Dec. 1, 1962. The champion pen of five steers of the first Mississippi Stocker-Feeder Calf Show and Sale were these Herefords produced by Newman W. Morris (right) of Raymond, pictured with his son, Marve who helps him with his cattle operation." Men with cattle.
- Series: 7
- Image: 131
- Description: "To Dec. 1, 1962. The champion pen of five steers of the first Mississippi Stocker-Feeder Calf Show and Sale were these Herefords produced by Newman W. Morris (right) of Raymond, pictured with his son, Marve who helps him with his cattle operation." Men with cattle.
- Date: 19xx
- Call Number: PI/2010.0002/Series VII
- Filename: 118286-photo.tif