
*Blacks, wearing NAACP sweatshirts, walk on Capitol Street carrying American flags. Back of demonstrator's shirt reads 'Jail Me But You Can't Make Me Shop!' Demonstrators are arrested by police and are put in police paddy wagon. (black policeman is present) Hamid Kisselbash, faculty member of Tougaloo College, is shown at the scene.

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  • Event: Capitol Street Boycott
  • Date: 12/00/1963
  • Description: *Blacks, wearing NAACP sweatshirts, walk on Capitol Street carrying American flags. Back of demonstrator's shirt reads 'Jail Me But You Can't Make Me Shop!' Demonstrators are arrested by police and are put in police paddy wagon. (black policeman is present) Hamid Kisselbash, faculty member of Tougaloo College, is shown at the scene.
  • Catalog: Catalog Record
  • Filename: MP_198001_D19_0890_ref.mov