
*Civil Rights Advisory Board Meeting. Seated at the table is Dr. A.D. Beittel, Dr. A.B. Britton and Robert Moses. Scene changes to nighttime. (possibly Jackson State College). Police and police dogs are present. (Feb. 1964?) Scene changes to Charles Evers entering Hinds County Courthouse. (this is for the trial of Byron De La Beckwith) Hazel Brannon Smith is shown at the door.

This collection is limited to use in the State Archives due to copyright or other restrictions.


  • Event: Beittel,Britton, Moses
  • Date: 00/00/1964
  • Description: *Civil Rights Advisory Board Meeting. Seated at the table is Dr. A.D. Beittel, Dr. A.B. Britton and Robert Moses. Scene changes to nighttime. (possibly Jackson State College). Police and police dogs are present. (Feb. 1964?) Scene changes to Charles Evers entering Hinds County Courthouse. (this is for the trial of Byron De La Beckwith) Hazel Brannon Smith is shown at the door.
  • Catalog: Catalog Record
  • Filename: MP_198001_D19_0891_ref.mov