WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F2543_3498_ref.mov Lawrence Guyot, Joseph Harris *News conference with Lawrence Guyot, Chairman of Miss. Freedom Democratic Party, and Joseph Harris, Chairman of Mississippians United to Elect Negro Candidates.
MP_198001_F2543_3499_ref.mov Paul Jones, Jr. Search Jackson Police search for escaped prisoner Paul Jones, Jr. Jones is charged with robbery and attempted murder. Additional: Jackson Police Dept.
MP_198001_F2560_3500_ref.mov Commissioner Clark Horton City Commissioner Clark Horton talks about resolution to be introduced at 44th annual Congress of Cities of the National League of Cities.
MP_198001_F2560_3501_ref.mov Commissioner Derwood Boyles City Commissioner Derwood Boyles talks about attending the 44th annual Congress of Cities in Boston sponsored by the National League of Cities.
MP_198001_F2560_3502_ref.mov Joan Myers at Miss. College Joan Myers, Miss Mississippi of 1967, arrives at Miss. College.
MP_198001_F2560_3503_ref.mov Mary Morphis Biloxi, Miss. Miss Hospitality Pageant. Mary Morphis is crowned Miss Hospitality. Gov. Paul B. Johnson is present.
MP_198001_F2560_3504_ref.mov Mary Morphis Biloxi, Miss. Miss Hospitality Pageant. Gov. Paul B. Johnson present. Mary Morphis is crowned Miss Hospitality.
MP_198001_F2560_3505_ref.mov Fire, Pearl Street Fire on Pearl Street. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_F2560_3506_ref.mov Fire, Pearl Street Fire on Pearl Street. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_F2560_3507_ref.mov Fire, Craigo Graham, Inc. Fire at Craigo Graham, Inc. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_F2560_3508_ref.mov Groundbreaking for R & D Ctr. Ground-breaking ceremony for Miss. Research and Development Ctr. Gov. Paul B. Johnson, members of the Research and Development Council, college presidents, architects and builders are present.
MP_198001_F2560_3509_ref.mov Lawrence Guyot *News conference with Lawrence Guyot, Chairman of Miss. Freedom Democratic Party.
MP_198001_F2560_3510_ref.mov William Waller Mr. and Mrs. William Waller arrive at Provine High School in helicopter. Waller is candidate for Governor. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F2560_3511_ref.mov G.V. Montgomery at Camp Shelby Camp Shelby. Congressman G.V. 'Sonny' Montgomery talks about riot training.
MP_198001_F2560_3512_ref.mov Election Computers Computers used for election returns. Additional: Data Processing
MP_198001_F2560_3513_ref.mov City Council, Donald Irvin Donald Irvin, Director of City Planning Board, talks about Pearl-Pascagoula Interchange Project at city council meeting. Additional: Highway Construction
MP_198001_F2560_3514_ref.mov Williams Voting Mr. and Mrs. John Bell Williams arrive at poll to vote in Democratic Party.
MP_198001_F256_1700_ref.mov Frederick Sullens' Funeral Major Frederick Sullens' funeral. Sullens was editor of 'Jackson Daily News.'
MP_198001_F256_1701_ref.mov Percy Storm Percy Storm
MP_198001_F256_1702_ref.mov Frank Gentry Frank Gentry.
MP_198001_F256_1703_ref.mov Martin Dies Rep. Martin Dies of Texas.
MP_198001_F256_1704_ref.mov Admiral Pirie Admiral Pirie addresses Miss. Veterans of Foreign War (VFW).
MP_198001_F256_1705_ref.mov Gen. Alexander G. Paxton Gen. Alexander G. Paxton.
MP_198001_F256_1706_ref.mov Maurice Thompson Maurice Thompson, Program Director of WLBT.
MP_198001_F256_1707_ref.mov Gov. James P. Coleman Gov. James P. Coleman addresses Miss. legislature.
MP_198001_F256_1708_ref.mov Capitol Building Construction work behind Capitol Building.
MP_198001_F256_1709_ref.mov Buford Ellington Tennessee Gov. Buford Ellington is shown at 'Ellington Day' in Lexington, Miss.
MP_198001_F256_1710_ref.mov E.E. Peterson E.E. Peterson.