WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F256_1711_ref.mov Bob Smathers Bob Smathers.
MP_198001_F256_1712_ref.mov Dick Sanders Reporter Dick Sanders.
MP_198001_F256_1713_ref.mov Lucille Searcy Lucille Searcy.
MP_198001_F256_1714_ref.mov Rep. Brown Williams State Rep. Brown Williams.
MP_198001_F256_1715_ref.mov Oil Fire Oil fire in Bolton, Miss. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_F256_1716_ref.mov Flood Control on Miss. River Flood control measures on the Miss. River.
MP_198001_F256_1717_ref.mov Louisville Hospital Hospital in Louisville, Miss. Additional: Hospitals
MP_198001_F256_1718_ref.mov Lester Tuck Lester Tuck, Administrator of Jackson County Hospital and President of Miss. Hospital Assoc. in 1959, is interviewed by Reporter Dick Sanders. Tuck discusses rising hospital costs. Additional: Hospitals
MP_198001_F256_1719_ref.mov Deposit Guaranty Bank Main office of Deposit Guaranty Bank.
MP_198001_F256_1720_ref.mov Jackson City Hall City Hall. Mayor Allen C. Thompson is sworn into office.
MP_198001_F256_1721_ref.mov Tom White Crigler Tom White Crigler, President of Sons of Confederate Veterans.
MP_198001_F256_1722_ref.mov Zoo's Baby Elephant Jackson Zoo. Baby elephant. Additional: Animals
MP_198001_F256_1723_ref.mov Mary Martin Mary Martin, 1958 National Future Homemaker of America, is interviewed by Reporter Dick Sanders.
MP_198001_F2575_3515_ref.mov William Waller Voting Mr. and Mrs. William Waller arrive at poll to vote in Democratic Primary.
MP_198001_F2575_3516_ref.mov Ross Barnett Voting Ross Barnett arrives at poll to vote in Democratic Primary.
MP_198001_F2575_3517_ref.mov William Winter Voting Mr. and Mrs. William Winter arrive at poll to vote in Democratic Primary.
MP_198001_F2575_3518_ref.mov Byrd Mauldin Byrd Mauldin, Secretary of Democratic Executive Committee, talks about meeting of the committee and the Democratic Primary. Additional: Democratic Party
MP_198001_F2575_3519_ref.mov Will Wells Assist. Atty. Gen. Will Wells reports on election returns for the Lt. Gov. and Land Commissioner races.
MP_198001_F2575_3520_ref.mov Rep. Stone Barefield State Rep. Stone Barefield announces that he will run for House Speaker.
MP_198001_F2575_3521_ref.mov Democratic Executive Committee Byrd Mauldin, Secretary of Democratic Executive Committee and Weaver Gore. Election returns for Lt. Gov. and Land Commissioner from the first Democratic Primary are discussed. Additional: Democratic Party
MP_198001_F2575_3522_ref.mov Democratic Executive Committee Byrd Mauldin, Secretary of Democratic Executive Committee, reads election returns from Democratic Primary. Additional: Democratic Party
MP_198001_F2575_3523_ref.mov John Junkin House Speaker John Junkin is seated at Governor's desk.
MP_198001_F2575_3524_ref.mov Will Rogers, Jr. Entertainer Will Rogers, Jr. is interviewed by reporter Cliff Bingham. Additional: Entertainers
MP_198001_F2575_3525_ref.mov Demonstration, North West Street *Black demonstrators are arrested at Community Services Assoc. and the Neighborhood Youth Corps on North West Street. Demonstrators are protesting dismissal of counselor Donald Jackson. Additional: Demonstrations
MP_198001_F2575_3526_ref.mov King Edward Hotel Auction Auction at King Edward Hotel. Additional: Hotels
MP_198001_F2575_3527_ref.mov James Meredith *James Meredith talks about meeting with candidates.
MP_198001_F2575_3528_ref.mov Congressman John Conyers *Michigan Congressman John Conyers is interviewed in Jackson while there to promote voting in black community. Discusses election process in the state. Additional: Voter Registration
MP_198001_F2575_3529_ref.mov H.S. Kirshman, C.H. King Coliseum. Assist. Superintendent Dr. Harry S. Kirshman and C.H. King, President of Jackson City School Board, speak at meeting for teachers and administrators. Additional: Education