WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F4061_4082_ref.mov Williams, News Conference News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams. Announces election in Hinds County to replace State Rep. Russell Davis who was elected Mayor of Jackson. Discusses tentative special session for medicaid program.
MP_198001_F4061_4083_ref.mov Superintendent Announcement C.H. 'Dick' King, President of the Board of Trustees of Jackson City School District, announces the election of Dr. John Martin as Superintendent. Additional: Education, Public Schools
MP_198001_F4061_4084_ref.mov Michael Klonsky Michael Klonsky, Secretary of Students for a Democratic Society, is interviewed upon his arrival at Jackson Municipal Airport.
MP_198001_F4061_4085_ref.mov Yazoo City Boycott *Report on Yazoo City boycott which had been initiated by members of the black community. Additional: Boycotts
MP_198001_F4061_4086_ref.mov Michael Klonsky Michael Klonsky, Secretary of Students for a Democratic Society, is interviewed upon his arrival at Jackson Municipal Airport.
MP_198001_F4061_4087_ref.mov Yazoo City Boycott *Report on Yazoo City boycott which had been initiated by members of the black community. Additional: Boycotts
MP_198001_F4061_4088_ref.mov National Alliance of Businessmen Primos Northgate Restaurant. Luncheon meeting of National Alliance of Businessmen.
MP_198001_F4061_4089_ref.mov Ben Lampton Ben Lampton, of First National Bank, talks about increase in interest rates. Additional: Banking Industry
MP_198001_F4061_4090_ref.mov Baby Giraffe Jackson Zoo. Baby giraffe. Additional: Animals
MP_198001_F4061_4091_ref.mov Jackson Clean-up Program Reporter Cliff Bingham talks about Jackson Cleanup Program. Bingham interviews residents. Additional: Urban Renewal
MP_198001_F4061_4092_ref.mov Jack Travis Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews District Attorney Jack Travis concerning problem of marijuana. Additional: Crime, Drugs
MP_198001_F4061_4093_ref.mov Williams, Greenville Port News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams. Announces that Abington Steamship Corp. of New Orleans in cooperation with shipowner George Livanos would operate a fleet of vessels between ports in the Carribean and Greenville, Miss. Additional: Industry
MP_198001_F4061_4094_ref.mov Williams, News Conference News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams concerning public schools.
MP_198001_F4061_4095_ref.mov Charles Evers, Russell Davis *Charles Evers, Field Secretary of Miss. NAACP and Mayor-elect Russell Davis address meeting of National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers. Additional: Education
MP_198001_F4061_4096_ref.mov Kidney Machine Operation of kidney machine is explained. Additional: Medicine
MP_198001_F4076_4097_ref.mov Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer *Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer comments on charges that in recent municipal elections state officials denied blacks the right to vote. Additional: Voting Procedures, Voting Rights Act
MP_198001_F4076_4098_ref.mov City Council Meeting Reporter Cliff Bingham on City Council meeting. Some footage of meeting where Mayor-elect Russell Davis addresses Citizens Advisory Committee for Workable Program Activities.
MP_198001_F4076_4099_ref.mov Jim Coulter, Urban Renewal Reporter Jack Hill on urban renewal of downtown Jackson. Hill interviews Jim Coulter, Renewal Director.
MP_198001_F4076_4100_ref.mov Hunger March *State Capitol Building. Rally held after 'Hunger March' that began in Grenada, Miss. March is in protest to malnutrition among the state's poor. March led by members of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). Additional: Demonstrations, Poverty
MP_198001_F4076_4101_ref.mov Hunger March *State Capitol Building. Rally held after 'Hunger March' that began in Grenada, Miss. March is in protest to malnutrition among the state's poor. March led by members of Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Roland Betz reads list of demands. Additional: Demonstrations, Poverty
MP_198001_F4076_4102_ref.mov Baptist Hospital Baptist Hospital. Nurse explains the operation of coronary heart unit to reporter Jack Hill. Additional: Medicine, Hospitals
MP_198001_F4076_4103_ref.mov D-Day Report on D-Day. Additional: World War II, Military
MP_198001_F4076_4104_ref.mov Black Employment *Reporter Jack Hill discusses employment of blacks in the state. Various occupations of blacks are shown. (silent) Additional: Employment Opportunities
MP_198001_F4076_4105_ref.mov Dave Gardner Nightclub entertainer Dave Gardner is interviewed. Talks about the Vietnam War and the South.
MP_198001_F4076_4106_ref.mov Miss. Freedom Democratic Party *News conference with members of Miss. Freedom Democratic Party concerning investigation of the misuse of federal funds by the state of Miss.
MP_198001_F4076_4107_ref.mov Williams, Educational Television Mrs. Willie W. Simmons, President of Miss. Federation of Women's Clubs, presents a resolution to Gov. John Bell Williams expressing appreciation of his support of educational television.
MP_198001_F4087_4108_ref.mov Jackson Urban League *Members of Jackson Urban League participate in Community Action Program.
MP_198001_F4087_4109_ref.mov Gov. John Bell Williams Gov. John Bell Williams addresses a statewide vocational rehabilitation study group concerning physical handicaps. Additional: Handicapped Persons