WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F4132_4166_ref.mov Judge Dan Russell *Federal Judge Dan Russell talks about school desegregation. Additional: Public Schools, School Integration
MP_198001_F4132_4167_ref.mov Judge Dan Russell *Federal Judge Dan Russell talks about school desegregation. Additional: Public Schools, School Integration
MP_198001_F4147_4168_ref.mov Gov. Lester Maddox *Georgia Gov. Lester Maddox addresses Citizens' Council Leadership Conference regarding school desegregation.
MP_198001_F4147_4169_ref.mov Fred Larue Fred Larue discusses President Richard M. Nixon's involvement in assisting victims of Hurricane Camille. Also discusses compliance of school districts concerning school desegregation.
MP_198001_F4147_4170_ref.mov George Wallace George Wallace addresses Citizens' Council Leadership Conference regarding Vietnam War.
MP_198001_F4147_4171_ref.mov George Wallace *George Wallace addresses Citizens' Council Leadership Conference.
MP_198001_F4147_4172_ref.mov Congressman Charles Griffin *News conference with Congressman Charles Griffin concerning school desegregation plans. Additional: Public Schools
MP_198001_F4147_4173_ref.mov City Council, Union Reporter Cliff Bingham on City Council meeting. Commissioner Ed Cates reads decision rejecting demand by the AFL-CIO for recognition as the bargaining agent for city employees. Additional: Unions
MP_198001_F4147_4174_ref.mov City Council Reporter Cliff Bingham on City Council meeting.
MP_198001_F4147_4175_ref.mov Rep. Tullius Brady State Rep. Tullius Brady discusses educational television.
MP_198001_F4147_4176_ref.mov Rep. Ney Gore State Rep. Ney Gore discusses sex education programs for educational television.
MP_198001_F4147_4177_ref.mov Williams, Gulf Coast Fund Gov. John Bell Williams addresses Miss. legislature concerning funds to help rebuild the Miss. Gulf Coast after Hurricane Camille.
MP_198001_F4147_4178_ref.mov Williams, Gulf Coast Fund Gov. John Bell Williams addresses Miss. legislature concerning funds to help rebuild the Miss. Gulf Coast after Hurricane Camille.
MP_198001_F4147_4179_ref.mov City Council, Union City Council meeting. The council stood by its decision rejecting demand by the AFL-CIO for recognition as the bargaining agent for city employees. Additional: Unions
MP_198001_F4147_4180_ref.mov Clarke Reed State Republican Party Chairman Clarke Reed talks about President Richard M. Nixon's concern over the Hurricane Camille disaster on Miss. Gulf Coast.
MP_198001_F4147_4181_ref.mov Clarke Reed State Republican Party Chairman Clarke Reed talks about the Republican Party in the state.
MP_198001_F4147_4182_ref.mov Aaron Henry *Aaron Henry, of the Miss. NAACP, addresses meeting for STAR Program. (Systematic Training and Redevelopment Program)
MP_198001_F4162_4183_ref.mov Sam Waggoner Sam Waggoner, Central District Highway Commissioner, addresses Kiwanis Club meeting concerning the highway construction of Interstate 20. Additional: Highways
MP_198001_F4162_4184_ref.mov William Suttle *William Suttle, Regional Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, is interviewed concerning poverty. Suttle is in Jackson as featured speaker for STAR Program banquet. (Systematic Training and Redevelopment Program)
MP_198001_F4162_4185_ref.mov Fannie Lou Hamer *Fannie Lou Hamer addresses meeting of STAR Program.(Systematic Training and Redevelopment Program) Hamer talks about the need for education.
MP_198001_F4162_4186_ref.mov Armand Derfner Armand Derfner, of Chief Counsel of Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee, discusses student loan program.
MP_198001_F4162_4187_ref.mov Rep. Edgar Stephens State Rep. Edgar Stephens is interviewed concerning educational television bill.
MP_198001_F4162_4188_ref.mov W.D. Rayfield Jackson Police Chief W.D. Rayfield is interviewed by reporter Cliff Bingham concerning vacancies in the Jackson Police Dept. Additional: Law Enforcement Officials
MP_198001_F4162_4189_ref.mov City Council, New Industry Reporter Cliff Bingham on City Council meeting. Scientific Plastics, Inc. is announced as a new industry to the city. Mayor Russell Davis is interviewed after the meeting.
MP_198001_F4162_4190_ref.mov Dr. John Martin Jackson School Superintendent Dr. John Martin talks about a 7 million dollar bond issue election for improvement of school buildings. Additional: Public Schools
MP_198001_F4162_4191_ref.mov Claude Ramsay Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews Claude Ramsay, President of Miss. AFL-CIO, concerning the city council's attitude towards unions.
MP_198001_F4162_4192_ref.mov Claude Ramsay Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews Claude Ramsay, President of Miss. AFL-CIO, concerning the City Council's attitude towards unions.
MP_198001_F4162_4193_ref.mov U.S. Senate Hearing on the Aging Greenwood, Miss. Scenes from hearing held by U.S. Senate special committee on aging. Additional: Senior Citizens