WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_D254_0485_ref.mov Police Report Cliff Bingham provides weekly police report. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_D254_0486_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis Sen. John C. Stennis comments on nomination of Judge Harold Carswell to U.S. Supreme Court.
MP_198001_D254_0487_ref.mov Pierre Asselin Pierre Asselin, Consl. Gnl. of Canada to New Orleans, speaks to Jackson Rotary Club. Scene changes to Paul Sanders leaving news conference concerning law suit against Miss. Highway Dept.
MP_198001_D254_0488_ref.mov Cecil Yarboro Cecil Yarboro, Director of State Building Commission, talks about purchase of Robert E. Lee Hotel properties by the state. Additional: Hotels
MP_198001_D254_0489_ref.mov City Council Meeting City Council meeting. Downtown parking is discussed.
MP_198001_D254_0490_ref.mov Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer News conference with Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer. Discusses purchase of Robert E. Lee Hotel properties by the state. Additional: Hotels
MP_198001_D254_0491_ref.mov Housing Report on housing conditions.
MP_198001_D254_0492_ref.mov Jackson Urban League City Comptroller Grover Allen talks about Jackson Urban League luncheon and low-income housing.
MP_198001_D254_0493_ref.mov Miss. State Univ. Research Research facilities are shown at Miss. State Univ. Additional: Colleges and Universities
MP_198001_D254_0494_ref.mov Afro-American Studies Course Report on Afro-American Studies course at Tougaloo Southern Christian College. Additional: Colleges and Universities
MP_198001_D254_0495_ref.mov Nicky Cruz Author Nicky Cruz is interviewed.
MP_198001_D255_0496_ref.mov Cliff Bingham/Animals Reporter Cliff Bingham shown dancing. Scenes of animals - monkeys, skunks and a bear.
MP_198001_D255_0497_ref.mov Nicky Cruz Author Nicky Cruz is interviewed.
MP_198001_D255_0498_ref.mov P.M. Catchings Jackson Postmaster, P.M. Catchings, discusses effect that the New York strike has on Jackson.
MP_198001_D255_0499_ref.mov Pollution Clinton, Miss. Report on Miss. pollution problem. Additional: Waste Disposal
MP_198001_D255_0500_ref.mov Committee on Children and Youth Joyce Dortch discusses the Governor's Committee on Children and Youth. Additional: Youth Services
MP_198001_D255_0501_ref.mov Rep. Robert G. Clark *Rep. Robert G. Clark comments of Pres. Richard M. Nixon's speech concerning school desegregation. Additional: Public Schools, School Integration
MP_198001_D255_0502_ref.mov City Council Meeting Highlights Highlights of City Council meeting.
MP_198001_D255_0503_ref.mov Oil Well Fire Aerial footage of oil well fire in Bolton. Evacuees from area are shown. Additional: Fires, Shell Oil Co.
MP_198001_D255_0504_ref.mov Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer *Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer comments on Pres. Richard M. Nixon's speech concerning school desegregation. Additional: Public Schools, School Integration
MP_198001_D255_0505_ref.mov Oil Well Fire Scenes of oil well fire in Bolton. Additional: Fires, Shell Oil Co.
MP_198001_D255_0506_ref.mov Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer *Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer comments on Pres. Richard M. Nixon's speech concerning school desegregation. Additional: Public Schools, School Integration
MP_198001_D255_0507_ref.mov Charles Blackburn of Shell Oil Co. Charles Blackburn, of Shell Oil Co., discusses oil well fire in Bolton. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_D255_0508_ref.mov Holton Turnbough Holton Turnbough, Pres. of Gulfport Chamber of Commerce, is interviewed concerning poor road conditions of U.S. 90. Additional: Highways
MP_198001_D255_0509_ref.mov Pollution Howard Zeller, of the Federal Water Pollution Control Regional Office, addresses conference at Heidelberg Hotel. Discusses pollution and environmental issues.
MP_198001_D255_0510_ref.mov Charles Blackburn of Shell Oil Co. Charles Blackburn of Shell Oil Co. talks about oil well fire in Bolton. Scene changes to area where Pollution Control Commission vehicle is shown. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_D256_0511_ref.mov Oil Well Fire Footage of oil well fire in Bolton. Scene changes to story on soldiers. (silent) Scene changes to Charles Blackburn of Shell Oil Co.. This is a news conference concerning oil well fire. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_D256_0512_ref.mov Pat Dunne Greenville Mayor, Pat Dunne, addresses Miss. Chapter of American Public Works Assoc.