WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_D261_0576_ref.mov Corinth Tornado Clean-up operations after Corinth tornado. Scenes of damaged homes and vehicles. Some aerial footage. Footage from April 21 included. Additional: Weather Disasters, Tornadoes
MP_198001_D261_0577_ref.mov Swimming Pool/Sullivan Speech Silent footage of empty swimming pools. Scene changes to Vicksburg. Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan speaks at opening of Olin Corp. terminal. Additional: Recreational Facilities
MP_198001_D261_0578_ref.mov Police Report Reporter provides weekly police report. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_D262_0579_ref.mov William Bookholt/Fred Wilhelms *Interview with William Bookholt, Regional Commissioner of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, concerning taxes. Scene changes to interview with Fred Wilhelms, Executive Secretary of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, concerning public schools, education, teachers and school integration. More footage of Bookholt interview. Back to Wilhelms interview.
MP_198001_D262_0580_ref.mov Inspection Laboratory Scenes of meat inspection laboratory operated by Miss. Dept. of Agriculture.
MP_198001_D262_0581_ref.mov Casey Jones Story Vaughan, Miss. Reporter tells the story of railroad engineer, Casey Jones. Song about Jones is played.
MP_198001_D262_0582_ref.mov Dr. Julius Hill Dr. Julius Hill, President of National Medical Assoc., addresses Miss. Medical and Surgical Assoc.
MP_198001_D262_0583_ref.mov Judge William Hastie *Judge William Hastie, Chief Judge of Third Circuit Court of Appeals, talks about school integration within colleges and universities.
MP_198001_D262_0584_ref.mov Circus Elephants Unloading of elephants from Barnum and Bailey Circus trains. Elephants walk down the street. Additional: Animals
MP_198001_D262_0585_ref.mov Highway Bids Highway bid letting shown. Additional: Miss. Highway Dept.
MP_198001_D262_0586_ref.mov City Council Report on City Council meeting.
MP_198001_D262_0587_ref.mov Radio Operator Ham radio operator, Sidney Whatley, is interviewed. Whatley received Public Service Award by American Radio Relay League.
MP_198001_D262_0588_ref.mov Police Report Cliff Bingham provides weekly police report. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_D262_0589_ref.mov Dr. Steven Moore Dr. Steven Moore interviewed concerning health care services in the state.
MP_198001_D262_0590_ref.mov Greenville Housing Greenville, Miss. Report on housing situation in Greenville. Low-income housing units in Canton, Miss. are shown.
MP_198001_D263_0591_ref.mov Astronaut Fred Haise Footage of Astronaut Fred Haise of Biloxi. Includes news conference, interviews with sisters and mother, Haise receiving Jefferson Davis Award (May 9, 1970), silent footage of U.S. Air Force Tropic Survival School (silent) and scenes of his childhood home in Biloxi, Miss.
MP_198001_D264_0592_ref.mov P.O.W. Meeting/Angie Nall Airport. Group concerned about prisoners of war board airplane to attend meeting in Washington, D.C. (silent) Scene changes to author Angie Nall addressing audience at Belhaven College concerning teaching children with learning disabilities. Footage of photographs of Woodie Assaf. More footage of group leaving for Washington, D.C.
MP_198001_D264_0593_ref.mov Mrs. Farrish on Citizenship Mrs. Violet Farrish is interviewed concerning what U.S. citizenship means to her.
MP_198001_D264_0594_ref.mov Woodie Assaf, 25th Anniversary Silent footage of an unidentified banquet. Scene changes to interviews with friends and relatives concerning broadcaster Woodie Assaf - 25 years in broadcasting.
MP_198001_D264_0595_ref.mov P. O. W. Meeting Footage of Mississippians leaving Jackson on an Air National Guard plane to attend a meeting in Washington, D. C. in support of the American POWs held by the North Vietnamese. G. V. Montgomery states the POWS must be released. Vice President Spiro Agnew appears at the Washington meeting and says the North Vietnamese treatment of the POWs must never be forgiven.
MP_198001_D264_0596_ref.mov Food Stamp Program Memphis, Tenn. Report on Food Stamp Program.
MP_198001_D264_0597_ref.mov Marijuana Marijuana cigarettes and plants are shown. Additional: Drugs
MP_198001_D264_0598_ref.mov Public Transportation Carlos Villareal, from the U.S. Dept. of Transportation, talks about public transportation in Jackson.
MP_198001_D264_0599_ref.mov Police Report Cliff Bingham provides weekly police report. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_D264_0600_ref.mov John Stennis/G. V. Montgomery Stennis discusses Nixon attack on Cambodia which he finds necessary because there is a North Vietnamese Headquarters there, but he wants a U. S. pullout as soon as possible. Montgomery also believes the attack is necessary for removing the North Vietnamese from Cambodia.
MP_198001_D264_0601_ref.mov City Council/Allin/Brunini Reporter discusses City Council meeting about Downtown Redevelopment Program and Housing Program for the elderly. Some footage of meeting with Mayor Russell Davis and Commissioners Ed Cates and Tom Kelly. Scene changes to Episcopal Bishop John Allin and Bishop Joseph Brunini concerning Joint Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations Commission. Additional: Catholic Church, Episcopal Church
MP_198001_D265_0602_ref.mov Dr. John Martin *Dr. John Martin, Superintendent of Jackson Public Schools, talks about school integration plan.
MP_198001_D265_0603_ref.mov Gov. John Bell Williams *News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams. Comments on anti-poverty campaign started by professional football player Jim Brown and others to assist needy blacks in the Holly Springs area. Additional: Poverty, Athletes
MP_198001_D265_0604_ref.mov Barbara Ruffin Barbara Ruffin, student body president of Miss. State College for Women, addresses Kiwanis Club.
MP_198001_D265_0605_ref.mov Illinois Central Railroad News conference with representatives from Illinois Central Railroad. Announcement of establishment of gulf regional office in Jackson. Additional: Railroad Industry