WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_D274_0679_ref.mov City Council Reporter describes City Council meeting. Some footage of meeting shown.
MP_198001_D274_0680_ref.mov Road Detour Roadblock and detour shown on High Street. Additional: Highway Construction
MP_198001_D275_0681_ref.mov Meidcaid/Governor's Mansion Dr. Alton Cobb, Director of Miss. Medicaid Commission, is interviewed concerning medicaid. Scene changes to Gov. John Bell Williams at the Governor's Mansion. He discusses the security of the mansion and the poor condition of the building. More footage of Cobb.
MP_198001_D275_0682_ref.mov Chevron Research/Kane Silent footage of Chevron Research Co. and facilities. Scene changes to interview with Dr. Kane of Standard Oil Co. Discusses gasoline and air pollution. Additional: Automobiles
MP_198001_D275_0683_ref.mov STAR Program Report on STAR Program (Systematic Training and Redevelopment Program). Additional: Job Training
MP_198001_D275_0684_ref.mov See-Through Blouse Linda Harwood is interviewed concerning her arrest for wearing a see-through blouse. She is wearing the blouse during this interview. Additional: Clothing Styles
MP_198001_D275_0685_ref.mov Census Bureau Interview with Herb Touchton of the Census Bureau. Discusses population decrease in Holmes County. Additional: Population Statistics
MP_198001_D275_0686_ref.mov C.J. Duckworth *C.J. Duckworth, Executive Secretary of Miss. Teachers Assoc., invites teachers to join the association.
MP_198001_D275_0687_ref.mov Miss. Broadcasters Assoc. Annual Convention of the Miss. Broadcasters Assoc. Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan addresses group. Additional: Educational Television
MP_198001_D275_0688_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis Sen. John C. Stennis talks about the Cooper-Church Amendment.
MP_198001_D275_0689_ref.mov Williams/Brunini/Rushing News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams. Announces that money for Hurricane Camille victims has been allocated. Ed Brunini talks about rebuilding of Miss. Gulf Coast. Al Rushing, Regional Housing Director, talks about housing situation on the Gulf Coast.
MP_198001_D275_0690_ref.mov Leventhal/King/Police Report *Melvin Leventhal, an attorney for NAACP Legal Defense Fund, talks about school integration plans for public schools. School Board President, C.H. King, talks about court action in regard to school integration. Citizens attending school board meeting are interviewed concerning school integration. Cliff Bingham provides weekly police report. More footage of Leventhal. Additional: School Desegregation, Crime
MP_198001_D276_0691_ref.mov Jerris Leonard *Assist. U.S. Atty. Gen. Jerris Leonard is shown walking to car. Leonard is in charge of federal investigation into Jackson State College shooting incident in May of 1970.
MP_198001_D276_0692_ref.mov Maj. Gen. Robert Schira Maj. Gen. Robert Schira, Assist. Surgeon General of the U.S. Army, talks about the field of dentistry and mouth cancer. Schira is in Jackson for annual meeting of Miss. Dental Assoc. Additional: Medicine
MP_198001_D276_0693_ref.mov City Council Report on City Council meeting.
MP_198001_D276_0694_ref.mov Leo Beebe/Marvin Penton Leo Beebe, Executive Vice-Pres. of Philco-Ford Corp., talks about his role within the establishment. Scene changes to Marvin Penton discussing summer jobs for students. More footage of Beebe. Additional: Employment Opportunities, Student Employment
MP_198001_D276_0695_ref.mov Miss Hospitality Miss Hospitality, Sharon Kay Applegate, thanks the Miss. Agricultural and Industrial Board for their support. She receives a birthday cake.
MP_198001_D276_0696_ref.mov Wilkinson/Kenna/Bird/1971 Bills Charles E. Wilkinson, Civil Defense Director for Hinds County, talks about emergency preparedness for disasters. Scene changes to interview with E.D. Kenna of Miss. Council on Aging. Discusses senior citizens and White House Council on Aging. Scene changes to bird on a tree. Child describes the bird. Scene changes to reporter discussing new law permitting 1971 bills to be submitted ahead of time. More of Wilkinson.
MP_198001_D276_0697_ref.mov Airport/Census/Prisoners/Police Rpt Footage of damaged airplanes at Madison County Airport. (silent) Unidentified man discusses damage to airplanes from high winds. Scene changes to Haley Barbour, of the Census Bureau, talking about population trends and population statistics. Some silent footage of that meeting. Scene changes to interview with Parchman State Penitentiary employee discussing weapons made by prisoners. Examples are shown. Reporter provides weekly police report. More footage of Madison County Airport. Additional: Crime, Prisons
MP_198001_D276_0698_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis *Sen. John C. Stennis discusses school desegregation. Additional: Public Schools, School Integration
MP_198001_D276_0699_ref.mov Mann/Howell/Cornerstone Ceremony Jack Mann addresses Kiwanis Club. Discusses property reappraisals. Scene changes to George Howell, of Ingalls Shipbuilding Co., addressing Jackson Exchange Club. Scene changes to cornerstone opening ceremony at the old city auditorium. Speech by Mayor Russell Davis. Papers from metal box inside cornerstone are presented to Miss Charlotte Capers of the Miss. Dept. of Archives and History. Additional: Shipbuilding Industry
MP_198001_D277_0700_ref.mov Johnson/Hotel/Ingalls Fred Johnson, a special advisor to Mayor Russell Davis, discusses drugs and teenagers. Scene changes to Robert E. Lee Hotel where people are shown painting the rooms.(silent) Scene changes to news conference with Gov. John Bell Williams and representative from Ingalls Shipbuilding Co. Shipbuilding contract is discussed. Scene changes to reporter discussing rennovations and repairs to Robert E. Lee Hotel. Cecil Yarboro talks about the purchase of the Hotel. Additional: Shipbuilding Industry, Hotels, Drug Abuse
MP_198001_D277_0701_ref.mov Voting Age lowered to 18 Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer, Mayor Russell Davis and Hinds County Circuit Clerk Bob Lilley discuss the new law lowering the voting age to 18 years.
MP_198001_D277_0702_ref.mov Collins/Physical Fitness/Vote/Radio News conference with Edward M. Collins, President of Millsaps College. (silent) Scene changes to children swimming, dancing and performing gymnastics. (silent) More footage on Collins. (sound) Scene changes to report on physical fitness program at Jackson State College. More footage of Collins. Several students are interviewed concerning law lowering voting age to 18. Scene changes to interview with Ross Hutchinson about being an amateur radio operator. More footage on physical fitness program. Additional: Radio Operators, College Presidents
MP_198001_D277_0703_ref.mov VFW Convention/Thompson/Webb Gen. W.C. Westmoreland addresses Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Convention. Scene changes to interview with former prisoner of war, Fred Thompson. Scene changes to Taylor Webb, President of Miss. Economic Council, addressing convention of Miss. Municipal Assoc. Scene changes to unidentified man discussing accreditation program for hospital. More footage of VFW Convention. Sen. John C. Stennis introduces Westmoreland. More footage of Webb. Stennis addresses group. More footage of Thompson. Scene changes to Fowler Buick car dealer where damaged cars are shown. Additional: Prisoners of War
MP_198001_D278_0704_ref.mov City Employee Strike Mayor Russell Davis, Claude Ramsay, President of state AFL-CIO, and Robert Thomas comment on the strike of city employees. Silent footage of picket line. Additional: Unions, Strikes
MP_198001_D278_0705_ref.mov Fred Nolan Fred Nolan, Director of Jackson Urban League, discusses the League's view on strikes and boycotts.
MP_198001_D278_0706_ref.mov Bomb Threat Hippie House' on West Capitol Street is shown. Bomb threat was made to occupants. People stand outside. Additional: Bomb Threats