WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_D281_0734_ref.mov Disaster Drill/Cook/City Council Dr. T.K. Williams participates in disaster drill - an exercise in emergency preparedness. Scene changes to interview with Tom Cook, Superintendent of Parchman State Penitentiary. Discusses the trusty system. Scene changes to report on City Council meeting. More footage of disaster drill. Silent footage of bus with brightly colored designs. Reporter is shown in the driver's seat. Additional: Prisons, Civil Defense, Public Transportation
MP_198001_D281_0735_ref.mov Corinth/Summer/Pearl-Pascagoula *Corinth, Miss. New homes for tornado victims. Scene changes to Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer discussing suit filed against Miss. Dept. of Education in regard to school desegregation of public schools. Scene changes to ceremony for opening of Pearl-Pascagoula Interchange. Scene changes to the opening of library for blind persons. Blind person is shown reading a braille book. More footage of Corinth. Gov. John Bell Williams speech. Scene changes to Pork Day exhibit at State Office Building. (silent) More footage of Pearl-Pascagoula ceremony. Additional: Housing, Handicapped Persons, Libraries
MP_198001_D281_0736_ref.mov Father Broussard on Housing Father George Broussard discusses low-income housing. Additional: Poverty, Clergy
MP_198001_D281_0737_ref.mov Better Business Bureau Report on the Jackson Better Business Bureau.
MP_198001_D281_0738_ref.mov Jackson Mall/Welfare for Strikers Grand opening of Jackson Mall. Department stores are shown - J.C. Penney Co., Gayfers. Scene changes to report on striking city employees receiving welfare. More footage of Jackson Mall ribbon cutting ceremony and shoppers walking through mall. (silent) Additional: Shopping Centers, Strike
MP_198001_D282_0739_ref.mov Housing Report on housing situation in the state. Low-income housing is discussed. Housing construction shown. Additional: Poverty
MP_198001_D282_0740_ref.mov Williams/Strike/Flooding/Housing News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams. Scene changes to reporter discussing strike by city employees. Scene changes to unidentified building. Scene changes to Williams assigning Miss. National Guard appointments. More footage of Williams at news conference. Sister Donna Barth discusses low-income housing in Greenville, Miss. Scene changes to water main flooding at First Federal Building. More footage of Greenville housing and Williams' news conference. Additional: Strikes, Poverty
MP_198001_D282_0741_ref.mov City Employee Strike Lucius Walker, a striking city employee and President of Local 1888, announces that workers will vote on July 21 concerning returning to work. Additional: Strikes
MP_198001_D282_0742_ref.mov Voter Registration Voter registration in Hinds County.
MP_198001_D282_0743_ref.mov Police Report Cliff Bingham provides weekly police report. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_D282_0744_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis *Sen. John C. Stennis discusses school desegregation. Additional: School Integration, Public Schools
MP_198001_D282_0745_ref.mov Fishing Footage of unidentified man fishing from boat.
MP_198001_D282_0746_ref.mov City Employee Strike Robert Thomas, business agent for Local 1888, announces that the strike by city employees is over. Additional: Unions, Strikes
MP_198001_D282_0747_ref.mov City Council Meeting Report on City Council meeting. City employee strike, reappraisal of residential property and a dog ordinance were discussed. Some footage of the meeting. Additional: Property Reappraisals
MP_198001_D282_0748_ref.mov Martin/Medical Facilities *Dr. John Martin, Superintendent of Jackson Public Schools, discusses school desegregation plans. Scene changes to Dr. Aaron Shirley talking about Hinds County health center. Unidentified people comment on medical facilities and medical services. More footage of Martin. Footage of poor housing conditions. (silent) More footage of Martin. Additional: Poverty, Health Care Services, School Integration
MP_198001_D282_0749_ref.mov Commission on Youth/Evers/Budget Report on Governor's Committee on Children and Youth. Scene changes to Fayette, Miss. Mayor Charles Evers addresses Fayette citizens about telegram from Gov. John Bell Williams. Scene changes to reporter discussing city budget.
MP_198001_D282_0750_ref.mov Insurance Report on upcoming insurance hearings to increase automobile liability and physical damage policy rates. Additional: Miss. Insurance Commission
MP_198001_D283_0751_ref.mov Morrow and Mangum *Willie Morrow and Jerome Mangum, both black, talk about unsuccessful attempt to get jobs with Miss. Highway Patrol. Additional: Employment Opportunities
MP_198001_D283_0752_ref.mov Horses/MMA/Insurance/Duckworth Leadership Institute for teachers and administrators. R.B. Layton, Assist. Superintendent of Jackson Public Schools, discusses training of teachers for upcoming year under the unitary system. Dr. Paul Gaston, Director of Research for Southern Regional Council, talks about race relations. Additional: Public Schools
MP_198001_D283_0753_ref.mov Garbage/Housing/Swimming Scenes of garbage piles in residential areas. (silent) Scene changes to interview with Jim Coulter, Jackson Renewal Director. Discusses proposed housing program. Scene changes to unidentified swimming competition. (silent)
MP_198001_D283_0754_ref.mov Indian Fair Scenes from 21st annual Choctaw Indian Fair in Neshoba County.
MP_198001_D283_0755_ref.mov Aubrey Graham Aubrey Graham, Imperial Potentate of the Shriners, is interviewed upon arrival in Jackson.
MP_198001_D283_0756_ref.mov Layton/Gaston Ottomar Herrman, owner of Royal Lippizan horses, is interviewed. Scene changes to opening of Miss. Manufacturers Assoc. building. Ribbon cutting ceremony attended by Mayor Russell Davis and Gov. John Bell Williams. (silent) Scene changes to report on hearings for increase in insurance rates. Scene changes to C.J. Duckworth announcing new name for Miss. Teachers Assoc. - MTA-NEA. Duckworth invites teachers from Miss. Education Assoc. to join. Footage of Lippizan horses. (silent) More footage of Duckworth. Additional: Miss. Insurance Commission, Animals
MP_198001_D283_0757_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis Sen. John C. Stennis talks about military weapons and the Vietnam War.
MP_198001_D283_0758_ref.mov Police Report Cliff Bingham provides weekly police report. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_D283_0759_ref.mov City Council Report on City Council meeting. Some footage of meeting. Re-hiring of a city employee who had been on strike is discussed. Additional: City Employees
MP_198001_D283_0760_ref.mov Dr. Leslie Bishop Dr. Leslie Bishop is interviewed concerning Leadership Institute for teachers and administrators of public schools.
MP_198001_D283_0761_ref.mov Royal Assoc. of Civilian Pilots Members of Holland's Royal Assoc. of Civilian Pilots meet Gov. John Bell Williams and Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer.