WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_D392_1547_ref.mov Hospital Costs Unidentified man talks about hospital costs. Additional: Health Care Services, Hospitals
MP_198001_D392_1548_ref.mov Stennis on Defense Contracts Sen. John C. Stennis talks about defense contracts.
MP_198001_D392_1549_ref.mov Univ. of Miss., Miss. State Univ. Football game between Univ. of Miss. and Miss. State Univ. Additional: Sports Events
MP_198001_D392_1550_ref.mov College Football Coaches Report on college football coaches. Additional: Sports Events
MP_198001_D40_0174_ref.mov Sen. Robert F. Kennedy *Arrival of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and wife, Ethel, at Oxford. Surrounded by reporters and students. Kennedy speech at Univ. of Miss. Rebeldome.
MP_198001_D41_0175_ref.mov Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. *Speech by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr., Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Job opportunities for blacks and the Head Start Program are discussed. Additional: Employment Opportunities
MP_198001_D42_0176_ref.mov Richard M. Nixon *Arrival of Richard M. Nixon at airport. Nixon speech at fund raising dinner. Discusses the race issue in regard to the Republican and Democratic Parties and the Vietnam War.
MP_198001_D43_0177_ref.mov Richard M. Nixon *Richard M. Nixon speech concerning Vietnam War. Sign behind Nixon 'Get with the Go Party...It's Republican' Additional: Republican Party
MP_198001_D44_0178_ref.mov Citizens' Council Annual Meeting *Citizens' Council Annual Meeting. Heidelberg Hotel. Ross Barnett speech. Sen. James O. Eastland addresses the council.
MP_198001_D45_0179_ref.mov Freedom March News Conference *News Conference concerning upcoming Freedom March. Rev. Walter Fauntroy and Allen Johnson. Request for participation in the Freedom Rally. Mentions celebrities who will participate. Scene changes to Mayor Allen C. Thompson talking about upcoming Freedom Rally. Additional: Demonstrations.
MP_198001_D46_0180_ref.mov Philadelphia Demonstration *Philadelphia March. Footage of marchers. Cars from Georgia, California, Washington, D.C. and New York are shown. Marchers sing Freedom Songs. Dr. Martin Luther King speaks to marchers from steps of Neshoba County Courthouse in Philadelphia. White Spectators are shown. National Guardsmen are present. Neshoba County Sheriff Lawrence Rainey directing police. Additional: Demonstration, Marches.
MP_198001_D47_0181_ref.mov Rally for Meredith March *Tougaloo Southern Christian College. Entertainment Rally for James Meredith's Freedom March. Speakers include James Brown, Sammy Davis, Jr., Marlon Brando and Stokely Carmichael. Sign on stage 'Freedom Now' Many people wear 'Freedom Now!' stickers on hats. Additional: Entertainers.
MP_198001_D48_0182_ref.mov Meredith Freedom March *Meredith Freedom March. Marchers at Tougaloo Southern Christian College. Highway scenes of marchers. Several cars on highway are stopped by police. Additional: Demonstrations
MP_198001_D49_0184_ref.mov Meredith March and Rally *State Capitol Bldg. grounds. Maybelle Smith leads the crowd (approx. 15 thousand) in singing. Introduction of Sammy Davis, Jr. who sings. Crowd clapping in time with music. Scene changes to Tougaloo Southern Christian College. Marchers proceed down highway. National Guardsmen line street and the grounds of State Capitol. James Meredith, Stokely Carmichael and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., speak to the crowd at capitol after the march. Additional: Demonstrations, Entertainers.
MP_198001_D50_0185_ref.mov Meredith March *Rally after James Meredith March at State Capitol. Speakers include James Meredith, Stokely Carmichael and Dr. Martin Luther King. Maybelle Smith is introduced. Meredith talks of his graduation from Univ. of Miss. Carmichael talks of the Black in America, Dr. Martin Luther King pays tribute to James Meredith. King says 'I still have a dream!' Discusses the poverty in Miss. Roy Wilkins of the NAACP is shown.
MP_198001_D51_0186_ref.mov Meredith March *People wear buttons 'James Meredith March through Mississippi 1966 March Against Fear' Men distribute American flags to marchers. Some wear signs 'Freedom Now' Sign 'U.A.W. Supports Freedom to Walk in Safety and Security' Bumper sticker with black panther 'We're the Greatest' Marchers leave Tougaloo Southern Christian College and proceed down highway. Patrolmen on motorcycles at intersection. Stokely Carmichael, Dr. Martin Luther King and wife, Corretta are shown in the march. Miss. Highway Patrol and National Guard on grounds of Capitol as marchers arrive. Additional: Demonstrations.
MP_198001_D52_0187_ref.mov Miss Hospitality Contest Scenes from Miss Hospitality Contest. Gov. Paul B. Johnson is shown.
MP_198001_D53_0188_ref.mov Sen. James O. Eastland Campaign Forrest, Miss. James O. Eastland opening campaign for Senator. Podium sign 'We Depend on Jim in Washington' Eastland speaks to crowd about Vietnam, national debt and conservatism. Gov. Paul B. Johnson, Lt. Gov. Carroll Gartin, Sen. John C. Stennis and Ross Barnett are shown. Marching Band performs. Four women sing and play guitars. Additional: Election Campaigns.
MP_198001_D54_0189_ref.mov Whitney Young *Jackson Urban League. Whitney Young discusses the purpose of the Urban League.
MP_198001_D55_0190_ref.mov Sen. Barry Goldwater Republican Party Political Rally at the Coliseum. Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater addresses crowd concerning the two party system, the crime rate in America and the administration of Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson.
MP_198001_D56_0191_ref.mov Barry M. Goldwater News Conference Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater news conference. Discusses Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson and his administration, Vietnam War and the Republican Party. He calls for a strong two party system.
MP_198001_D57_0192_ref.mov Rep. Prentiss Walker Jackson Exchange Club. Rep. Prentiss Walker talks about Medicare, Social Security, aide to foreign countries and Vietnam War.
MP_198001_D58_0193_ref.mov Gov. Paul B. Johnson News Conf. *Gov. Paul B. Johnson News Conference. Discusses special session of the Miss. legislature regarding reapportionment of the seats in the House and Senate.
MP_198001_D59_0194_ref.mov Gov. Paul B. Johnson *Gov. Paul B. Johnson addresses Miss. Legislature concerning Special Session. Discusses reapportionment of the seats of the House and Senate in order to meet requirements that courts have laid down to give all citizens equal representation.
MP_198001_D60_0195_ref.mov Mayor Allen C. Thompson Mayor Allen C. Thompson discusses the salaries and working hours of city firemen. Additional: Jackson Fire Dept.
MP_198001_D61_0196_ref.mov Gov. Paul B. Johnson Gov. Paul B. Johnson addresses Miss. Legislature concerning legalized liquor in the state. Legislators discuss subject.
MP_198001_D62_0197_ref.mov Dr. Norman Vincent Peale Dr. Norman Vincent Peale speaks to Jackson Kiwanis Club.
MP_198001_D63_0198_ref.mov Arch Roberts *Arch Roberts addresses Miss. Legislature concerning the United Nations and the Civil Rights Act.