WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_D64_0199_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis Sen. John C. Stennis addresses Chamber of Commerce concerning Vietnam War.
MP_198001_D65_0200_ref.mov Legalized Liquor in Miss. Gov. Paul B. Johnson speaks to group at Heidelberg Hotel concerning legalized liquor in Miss.
MP_198001_D66_0201_ref.mov Evers/Henry March *Charles Evers and Aaron Henry address marchers in front of State Capitol Bldg. after march. They have just been told that Gov. Paul B. Johnson cannot meet with them. Scenes of march. Black policeman as well as other police are present. Small group, possibly Sovereignty Commission , watch marchers from sidewalk. Marchers carry banner 'Hinds County Welfare Rights' Police on motorcycles ride along marchers. White man carries sign 'Stop Poverty Go to Work' He is arrested by police. Marchers proceed to Capitol. Marchers include children through senior citizens. Additional: Demonstrations.
MP_198001_D67_0202_ref.mov Ratliff Airplane Crash Ratliff Airplane Crash. Damaged airplane and surrounding area shown. Scene changes to hospital where one victim describes the crash. Airplane Crashes
MP_198001_D68_0203_ref.mov William F. Winter *State Treasurer William F. Winter announces his candidacy for Governor. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_D69_0204_ref.mov David Brinkley *David Brinkley speaks at Annual Meeting of Greenville Chamber of Commerce. He talks about Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson, the new Congress, Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement.
MP_198001_D70_0205_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis Sen. John C. Stennis at economic symposium. Scene changes to News Conference where Stennis talks about Vietnam.
MP_198001_D71_0206_ref.mov Catholics Observe Anniversaries Procession of clergy on West Street and entering St. Peter's Cathedral. Mass (in color) to commemorate three events - 150th anniversary of Miss. Statehood, 130th anniversary of establishment of diocese in Miss. and 10th anniversary of Bishop Joseph B. Brunini's consecration. Scene changes to Banquet. Gov. Paul B. Johnson and Mayor Allen C. Thompson shown. Bishop Richard O. Gerow is shown. Additional: Catholic Church, Clergy.
MP_198001_D72_0207_ref.mov Pearl-Pascagoula Interchange Mayor Allen C. Thompson makes statement concerning bond money for Pearl-Pascagoula Interchange. Additional: Highway Construction
MP_198001_D73_0208_ref.mov Rep. John Bell Williams *People gathered outside Raymond Courthouse. Rep. John Bell Williams speaks from podium. He announces his candidacy for Governor. Banner 'There's Only One John Bell' Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_D73_0209_ref.mov John Bell Williams *John Bell Williams announces his candidacy for Governor. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_D74_0210_ref.mov Jacob L. Reddix Retires *Retirement of Jackson State College President Jacob L. Reddix. Various speakers talk about Reddix and his contributions. Reddix speech. Additional: College Presidents
MP_198001_D75_0211_ref.mov Wharlest Jackson Death *Street scenes of neighborhood where Wharlest Jackson, treasurer of Natchez chapter of NAACP, was killed when bomb exploded in his truck. Damaged truck is shown. Reporter interviews woman who heard bomb explode. Scene changes to church where Charles Evers talks to group concerning the killing. Additional: Murders, Bombings.
MP_198001_D75_0212_ref.mov Ken Dean News Conference *News Conference with Ken Dean, Dir. of Miss. Council on Human Relations. Dean talks about having bi-racial commission for the state and for Jackson. Comments on riots at Jackson State College. Reference is made to funeral of Benjamin Brown.
MP_198001_D76_0213_ref.mov Wharlest Jackson Killing *Gov. Paul B. Johnson news conference concerning killing of Wharlest Jackson. Jackson was killed when bomb exploded in his truck in Natchez. Jackson was treasurer of the Natchez chapter of the NAACP. Additional: Bombings, Murders
MP_198001_D77_0214_ref.mov Wharlest Jackson Funeral *Natchez. Wharlest Jackson Funeral. People gather outside church before funeral service. Charles Evers and Roy Wilkins speak at funeral service. Church is filled with friends and relatives. Casket is carried out of church.
MP_198001_D78_0215_ref.mov Stennis, Morse Debate Sen. John C. Stennis and Sen. Wayne Morse participate in debate at governmental affairs seminar sponsored by the Jaycees at the Heidelberg Hotel. Vietnam is discussed.
MP_198001_D79_0216_ref.mov Natchez Pilgrimage Natchez Pilgrimage. Ante-bellum homes, antiques. Scene changes to Pageant. Maypole Dance and Ballet shown.
MP_198001_D80_0217_ref.mov Pearl-Pascagoula Interchange Mayor Allen C. Thompson and City Council discuss Pearl-Pascagoula Interchange. Additional: Highway Construction
MP_198001_D81_0218_ref.mov Jackson State College Students *City Hall. Mayor Allen C. Thompson meets with students from Jackson State College concerning riots which took place on campus. Student reads list of demands. Additional: Rioting
MP_198001_D82_0183_ref.mov Jackson State College Riot *Jackson State College. Nighttime. Police wearing gas masks walk in formation. White man in car holds cloth to his bleeding head. Benjamin Brown is shown on the ground.
MP_198001_D83_0219_ref.mov Jackson State College Riot *Jackson State College at night. National Guard jeep and police patrol cars. Police proceed down street in formation. White man holds cloth to his bleeding head. Wounded black youth, Benjamin Brown, is on the ground. Scene changes to next day. Rev. Allen Johnson speaks to reporters concerning riots, the upcoming meeting and march and investigation of Brown's death. Charles Evers stands nearby. Scene changes to Mayor Allen C. Thompson. Thompson thanks citizens for cooperating with law enforcement officials and blames riots on outside agitators. Additional: Rioting.
MP_198001_D84_0220_ref.mov Citizens' Council Annual Meeting *Annual Meeting of Jackson Citizens' Council. Mayor Allen C. Thompson introduces speakers - William L. Waller, William F. Winter, John Bell Williams and Ross Barnett. They talk about states' rights and the state's image.
MP_198001_D85_0221_ref.mov Gov. Paul B. Johnson Gov. Paul B. Johnson talks about running for Lt. Gov. He comments on the job of Lt. Gov. Carroll Gartin.
MP_198001_D86_0222_ref.mov Sylvester Magee Sylvester Magee's 126th birthday. Magee is interviewed by reporter. Birthday cake is shown. Scene changes to funeral service at a church. Casket is carried into church. Back to interview with Magee.
MP_198001_D87_0223_ref.mov Shipbuilding Industry Gov. Paul B. Johnson addresses Legislature concerning shipbuilding industry in the state. Eddie Khayat of the Jackson County Board of Supervisors is interviewed. Additional: Ingalls Shipbuilding Co.
MP_198001_D88_0224_ref.mov Police Training School Scenes of FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) instructors at Police Training School. Additional: Law Enforcement Officials
MP_198001_D89_0225_ref.mov James Meredith talks about March *James Meredith is interviewed concerning the upcoming march. He comments on violence and police protection.