Swift and Company
Ammonia leak at Swift and Company.
Southern Farm Bureau
Southern Farm Bureau Billion Dollar Celebration. Boswell Stevens, President of Miss. Farm Bureau Federation, Gov. Paul B. Johnson, Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubus and Charles Shuman, President of American Farm Bureau Federation are present.
Johnson on Teacher Pay Raise
Gov. Paul B. Johnson talks about pay raise for teachers.
Johnson on Teacher Pay Raise
Gov. Paul B. Johnson talks about pay raise for teachers. Lt. Gov. Carroll Gartin is present.
Stennis on Civil Rights Debate
*Sen. John C. Stennis talks about debate concerning civil rights legislation.
Jackson-Hinds Bank
Jackson-Hinds Bank moves to the corner of Congress and Capitol Streets.
Robert Lee Jones
Campaign commercial of Miss. Supreme Court Justice Robert Lee Jones.
Yerger at Republican Convention
Wirt Yerger, Jr., Chairman of Miss. Republican Party, attends Miss. Republican Party Convention.
Martin at Republican Convention
Alabama Republican leader James Martin at Miss. Republican Party Convention.
Walker at Republican Convention
Prentiss Walker, candidate for 4th Congressional District, at Miss. Republican Party Convention.
Yerger at Republican Convention
Wirt Yerger, Jr., Chairman of Miss. Republican Party, attends Miss. Republican Party Convention.
Miss. Republican Convention
Miss. Republican Party Convention.
Boys' State
Capitol Building. Boys' State Program sponsored by the American Legion.
Johnson Announces Special Session
Gov. Paul B. Johnson announces special session of Miss. legislature.
Gov. Luis Torres Y Mesias
Gov. Luis Torres Y Mesias of Mexico visits Jackson. Gov. Paul B. Johnson is present.
Private School Legislation
Committee meeting concerning private school legislation. Lt. Gov. Carroll Gartin is present. Additional: Private Schools
Girls' State
Girls' State participants attend City Council meeting. Girls' State Program is sponsored by American Legion.
National Council of Churches
*News conference with National Council of Churches regarding their involvement in civil rights work in Miss. Dr. Robert Spike and Dr. Eugene Carson Blake speak.
Pascagoula Oil Refinery
Standard Oil Co. refinery in Pascagoula, Miss. Additional: Oil Industry
Gov. Luis Torres Y Mesias
Gov. Luis Torres Y Mesias of Mexico visits Jackson. Gov. Paul B. Johnson greets Torres at airport.
Oil Derricks Offshore
Offshore oil derricks. Additional: Oil Industry
Johnson Opening Special Session
Gov. Paul B. Johnson addresses Miss. legislature at opening of special session. Lt. Gov. Carroll Gartin is present.
Hinds County Democratic Convention
Hinds County Democratic Convention. Attorney Will Wells and State Treasurer William F. Winter speak.
Johnson at Special Session
Gov. Paul B. Johnson addresses special session of Miss. legislature concerning public schools and private schools.
Allen Dulles Arrives in Jackson
*Presidential Aide Allen Dulles is questioned by reporters upon his arrival at Jackson airport. Dulles was sent by President Lyndon B. Johnson to meet with law enforcement officials regarding violence connected with civil rights.
Johnson on Missing C.R. Workers
*Gov. Paul B. Johnson talks about the search for the missing civil rights workers - Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney in Neshoba County. Additional: Murders, Missing Persons
Search for Civil Rights Workers
*Navy men from Meridian Naval Air Station participate in search for missing civil rights workers in Neshoba County. Missing are Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney. Additional: Missing Persons, U.S. Navy, Murders
Gov. George Wallace
Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace is greeted by Mayor Allen C. Thompson upon his arrival at Jackson Municipal Airport.
Pascagoula Oil Refinery
Standard Oil Co. refinery in Pascagoula, Miss. Additional: Oil Industry
Pascagoula Industry
Pascagoula, Miss. Ingalls Shipbuilding Co. plant, Coastal Chemical Corp. and International Paper Co. Moss Point Mill are shown. Additional: Industry