WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F1528_2559_ref.mov Harkins Quadruplets St. Dominics Hospital. Quadruplets born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Harkins are shown. Mayor Allen C. Thompson visits the babies. Additional: Harkins Quadruplets
MP_198001_F1528_2560_ref.mov Werner Luchsinger Werner Luchsinger, Head Trainer at Miss. State Univ., speaks at meeting of Miss. Academy of General Practioners.
MP_198001_F1528_2561_ref.mov Doss Fulton Doss Fulton, Athletic Director of Jackson Public Schools, speaks at meeting of Miss. Academy of General Practioners.
MP_198001_F1528_2562_ref.mov Rubel Phillips Corinth, Miss. Rubel Phillips formally opens his campaign for Governor with a rally. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F1528_2563_ref.mov Cairo Salvage operations of Cairo, a Civil War Gunboat, from the Yazoo River.
MP_198001_F1528_2564_ref.mov Harkins Quadruplets Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Harkins are shown the bunk cribs to be used for their quadruplets. Additional: Harkins Quadruplets
MP_198001_F1528_2565_ref.mov Thompson's Tank *'Thompson's Tank', a riot control car for the civil rights demonstrations. Mayor Allen C. Thompson shown.
MP_198001_F1528_2566_ref.mov Walter Sillers House Speaker Walter Sillers.
MP_198001_F1528_2567_ref.mov Miss. A and I Board Meeting Yazoo City, Miss. Monthly meeting of Miss. Agricultural and Industrial Board.
MP_198001_F1528_2568_ref.mov Business and Professional Women Meeting of Business and Professional Women's Club.
MP_198001_F1528_2569_ref.mov Miss. State Fair, Livestock Livestock at Miss. State Fair. Additional: Animals
MP_198001_F1528_2570_ref.mov Democratic Party Meeting Meeting of Miss. Democratic Party. Carroll Gartin and Paul B. Johnson are present.
MP_198001_F1528_2571_ref.mov Democratic Party Dinner Miss. Democratic Party fund-raising dinner at Coliseum. Lt. Gov. Paul B. Johnson, the Democratic nominee for Governor, is present.
MP_198001_F1528_2572_ref.mov Democratic Party Rally Democratic Party rally in Hinds County.
MP_198001_F1528_2573_ref.mov Republican Party Dinner Republican Party fund-raising dinner. Rubel Phillips and Stanford Morse are present.
MP_198001_F1565_2574_ref.mov Josh Halbert City Engineer Josh Halbert receives award from Chamber of Commerce.
MP_198001_F1565_2575_ref.mov Waterways Experiment Station Kiwanis Club tours Waterways Experiment Station.
MP_198001_F1565_2576_ref.mov Paul B. Johnson, Citizens' Council *Paul B. Johnson addresses meeting of Citizens' Council.
MP_198001_F1565_2577_ref.mov Republican Party Campaign Republican Party campaigns in Brookhaven and Hazlehurst, Miss. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F1565_2578_ref.mov Miss. State Horse Show Miss. State Horse Show. Additional: Animals
MP_198001_F1565_2579_ref.mov Women for Constitutional Government *Annual meeting of Women for Constitutional Government.
MP_198001_F1565_2580_ref.mov Forest Fire Forest fire in the Delta. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_F1565_2581_ref.mov City Dept. Heads Meeting Meeting of City Department Heads. Mayor Allen C. Thompson, Bill McKinley and Swan Yerger are present.
MP_198001_F1565_2582_ref.mov Rubel Phillips After Defeat Rubel Phillips, Republican Party Candidate for Governor, comments on his defeat in the election.
MP_198001_F1565_2583_ref.mov Rubel Phillips Rubel Phillips, Republican Party candidate for Governor, at the Party's Campaign Headquarters.
MP_198001_F1565_2584_ref.mov Johnson Victory Celebration King Edward Hotel. Victory celebration for Paul B. Johnson, newly-elected Governor. Gov. Ross Barnett is present.
MP_198001_F1565_2585_ref.mov Paul B. Johnson Paul B. Johnson, newly-elected Governor, leaves Heidelberg Hotel on election night.
MP_198001_F1565_2586_ref.mov Circus Animals Arrive in Jackson Unloading of circus animals from the Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus.